The least painful way to pass a kidney stone can be simple.  Pass a kidney stone without surgery.  Pass a kidney stone without painful procedures.  Learn ways to prevent kidney stones!

This recipe for a kidney stone flush sounds bizarre, but it has worked for many of my clients and friends.  After using this kidney stone flush recipe, the stone disappears in less than 12 hours!

This recipe for a kidney stone flush sounds bazaar, but it has worked for many of my friends.  After using this kidney stone flush recipe, the stone disappears within 12 hours or less!

Recipe for Passing A Kidney Stone Quickly:

Within the first 2 hours: 

  1. Drink one six-pack of regular Coke. (Do not drink diet drinks for any reason, under any circumstance! )

Within the next 2 hours:

  1. Eat 8 ounces of fresh, raw asparagus, and
  2. Drink one gallon of filtered or distilled water.

Within 12 hours or (and usually) LESS, the stone should pass.

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola:

If you are a man, your risk for kidney stones is four times greater than if you are a woman. And if you live in the southeastern part of the U.S., also referred to as the “Kidney Stone Belt,” your risk is even greater due to higher rates of dehydration.

Roughly, one million Americans develop kidney stones each year. Once you have had one kidney stone attack, your chance of recurrence is about 70 to 80 percent.

Records of kidney stones can be found since the beginning of civilization. Lithotomy, a surgical procedure for removing stones, is one of the earliest known surgical procedures. In fact, a caution about the dangers of surgically removing stones is even found in the text of the Hippocratic Oath.

Kidney stones can range in size from a grain of sand to larger than a golf ball. If a stone fails to pass, permanent damage to your urinary tract can result.

The number of cases of adult kidney stones appears to be on the rise, most likely as a result of modern diets. And now, kidney stones are being seen in children in unprecedented numbers … just one more sad result of our modern dietary habits.

Fortunately, 90 to 95 percent of kidney stones pass within a number of days or weeks, without any intervention at all. And, even better news — the best remedy is also the best prevention, and also happens to be the least expensive: simply drink more water.

My “Observation” of the Flush from several friends:

In the year of 2008, one of my friends, Jim, had surgery [Lithotomy] to remove a kidney stone and I found it to be … uncomfortable … almost barbaric!

I stayed with my friend for 5 days and drove him to the surgery as well as his final appointment … I could “feel” his pain.

For the 5 days of this ordeal, Jim was miserable, felt feverish, nauseated and constantly had the urge to eliminate. I said to myself, “There has to be a better and more humane way to solve this problem !

Bingo! This past Autumn of 2011, my friend, Peter, came up with the same [kidney stone] problem and was presented with the same solution! After 2 weeks of suffering and waiting for the stone to exit his body, Peter found an alternative cure on the internet … a kidney stone flush recipe !

The suggested method of passing the stone (guaranteed to work within less than 12 hours) seemed a little far fetched, but by now Peter was ready to try anything to avoid the surgery. He tried the “Googled” theory and voila! After 2 weeks of agony, within 5 hours, the stone popped out during the night !!!

Peter called me the next day and said, “You are not going to believe this, but the stone is gone!” I was so happy for him and awaited an opportunity to share this “remedy” with another friend !

Presto! My opportunity arrived December, 2011. On December 26th one of my “buddies” ended up in the emergency room with abdominal and chest pains, thinking he was having a heart attack. After several tests, the medical staff informed him of his kidney stone, told him to go home, drink plenty of water and take the pain pills. “If the stone does not pass in 2 days, come back and we will take more drastic measures to help you pass it … but if you can pass it on your own, you will be much better off .”

“Buddie” called me the next day to tell me about his emergency room ordeal. I told him that I knew of a kidney stone flush recipe to help him pass the stone, and his response was, “My doctor has everything under control”. (Oh, and btw, I hear this response a lot from my family as well as 5 percent of the people who visit my office … and I thank God that this number is “low”.)

After hearing Buddie, moan and groan about this pain for two days, I called him that night and said, “Get a pen and piece of paper and write this formula down. If you want to pass your stone quickly, do this remedy!!!

He, being of a “traditional” mindset, replied, “I wrote it down; I’ll think about it and if I am not better by the morning, I will call my doctor for the next step”. I told him about my friend’s [Lithotomy] experience of 2008 and what the next step might be.

The next morning, Buddie went to the grocery store and bought ingredients for the kidney stone flush recipe.

While still waiting for the stone to pass on its own, he postponed starting “the kidney flush” until about 1:00 in the afternoon. He was in so much pain from the stone, he was ready to “try anything”.   So, finally he thought, “What do I have to lose”?

Buddie followed the Kidney Flush Recipe, started the flush at 1:00 p.m. … the stone passed at 11:00 p.m. that evening … 5 hours after completing “the flush !“ The stone was the size of an over-sized “BB” pellet … he was relieved and avoided a painful surgery.

Common Causes for Kidney Stones:

The main cause of kidney stones is dehydration, caused from excess caffeine and lack of filtered water.

During our programs at The STOP Clinic, we talk a lot about the importance of keeping our blood pH more alkaline rather than acidic. Kidney stones can form when the urine is highly acidic or highly alkaline.

Sometimes the underlying cause of a kidney stone is a metabolic disorder or kidney disease.

Certain drugs may create an environment favorable to stone formation. Examples of such drugs are: Lasix (furosemide), Topomax (topiramate), and Xenical, among others.

Common Symptoms of Kidney Stones:

  • You won’t know you have a stone until it moves into the ureter — the tube connecting your kidney and your bladder.
  • Common symptoms include:
  • Pain in your side and back, below your ribs
  • Episodes of pain lasting 20 to 60 minutes, of varying intensity
  • Pain “waves” radiating from your side and back, to your lower abdomen and groin
  • Bloody, cloudy or foul-smelling urine
  • Pain with urination
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • “Urgency” (persistent urge to urinate)
  • Fever and chills (indicates an infection is also present)

The pain is a result of distention of the tissues above the stone, since it is blocking the passage of urine, rather than from the pressure of the stone itself.

Common Causes for Kidney Stones that are Avoidable:

  • Lack of filtered water is the number one risk factor for kidney stones! If you aren’t drinking enough, your urine will simply have higher concentrations of substances that can form stones. Urine should be a light yellow. Waiting until you feel thirsty is often too late. Thirst usually signifies dehydration. Increase your water intake during periods of high activity and visiting warmer climates.
  • A diet high in sugar can set you up for stones. Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in your body by interfering with calcium and magnesium absorption. Sugar and high fructose corn syrup (found in most processed foods) lead to obesity and diabetes. Children as young as age 5 or 6 are now turning up with kidney stones.
  • A 1999 South African study found that drinking soda exacerbates conditions in the urine that lead to formation of calcium oxalate kidney stone problems.
  • Caffeine, during a study, was given to people with a history of kidney stones. After testing their urine, an elevated amount of calcium in the urine was found, putting them at a higher risk for kidney stones. (My observations show, those clients who consume a large amount of caffeine usually consume very little or no water, leading to dehydration as well as contributing to a more acidic blood pH.)
  • Diets high in processed salt are also bad news. Salt increases the amount of calcium and oxalate in your urine. All processed foods are extremely high in salt. Examples are salty chips, French fries, sandwich meats, canned foods, soups, and sports drinks like Gatorade (which are now sold in child-friendly juice boxes). The over consumption of processed foods is the primary cause of increased kidney stones in children today.
  • Childhood obesity and kidney stones has a strong connection. Children are notorious for not drinking enough water, adding to the problem.
  • High blood pressure doubles your risk for kidney stones.
  • Digestive problems (such as indigestion and acid reflux) also increase your risk. Changes in the digestive process affect your absorption of calcium and other minerals. (This refers back to my theory of the importance of keeping the blood PH alkaline rather than acidic.)
  • Consumption of non-fermented soy can predispose you to developing kidney stones due to high levels of oxalate present in many varieties of soybeans.
  • Being sedentary for long periods of time may contribute to kidney stones. Limited activity can cause your bones to release more calcium.

There are several medical procedures and surgical techniques that can be used to treat kidney stones, but the risks are high enough that physicians typically shy away from them, unless there’s no other choice. This is actually a good thing, considering the multitude of problems American patients face due to medical errors.

It remains interesting to me, Leslie Lyon, that the food one eats for the purpose of strengthening the immune system (as well as preventing popular diseases such as cancer, heart disease, obesity, depression, recto focus, etc. ), still proves true in preventing other health problems, solved by a healthy diet.


Credit to:

Dr. Mercola for much of the research in this Newsletter. If you want to view his article, go to:

    “Who Knew Preventing Kidney Stones was This Easy ?”