As of today 11/11/07, I have lost 65 lbs. and am still in the process of losing more. I had lost 2 members of my family to cancer 2 years ago, and I guess food was my way of coping. I was obese, borderline for blood pressure medicine, sluggish with little energy, and more pain in my left knee where I had surgery some years ago. I also have a chronic back problem with 3 herniated discs, that I got when I was in my late 30’s. Today I am 60 years old.
Through a series of meetings with Leslie, treatments, educational films and counseling, I rapidly discovered that what I was eating was all wrong. I was never much of a cook, and I never read any labels. My eyes were opened wide by your help and guidance.
Through your help, and my will power, I was able to lose weight, and am still doing so. My blood pressure has dropped into the 120’s over the mid to high 60’s – not requiring any medication. I have much more energy. While my knee, and back still give me problems, they are lessened in severity.and counseling, I rapidly discovered that what I was eating was all wrong. I was never much of a cook, and I never read any labels. My eyes were opened wide by your help and guidance.
I don’t know in the end how much weight I will lose, but I certainly am more informed today than I ever was. Although, I did not choose your “aggressive weight-loss” track, I am happy with my gradual weight-loss and my ability to choose the right kinds of food. Again, thank you for your guidance, education and treatments.
Janet Bosselman
Cary, North Carolina