My wife and I went to the smoking clinic almost a month ago (2012) and WOW never knew how life would be so good. I left there as a changed man … never wanted a cigarette again. Now, the smell of one is awful.
Several years ago, I lost a lot of weight and used running as one of the tools to lose it. When I smoked, I could not run 3 miles without stopping every few minutes because I could not breathe.
A couple of days ago I ran a half marathon 13.2 miles in Myrtle Beach, SC. During the marathon, I never slowed down and had NO issue with my breathing … I thank God that I made the right choice to see Leslie!
In 3 weeks, I am running another half marathon. My wife, is training for a 10K and will run with me.
Thanks a lot, Leslie!
Joseph Gooden
Dublin, NC