Gary and Sandy Cooper of Kenly, NC stopped smoking 15 years ago and had digestive issues, respectively

Fifteen years ago (1999), I came to The STOP Clinic to stop smoking after trying everything there was possible for ten years!

This program provided everything I needed to help me stop smoking … counseling, behavior modification, aides and the electrical acupuncture treatment that took away the cravings. After the treatment (having smoked for 20+ years), I still thought about smoking, but the thought did not linger for more than a few seconds. During the follow-up visits, I received the electrical acupuncture treatments to reinforce my success.

I would never go back to smoking again. Today, when I see people smoking, I feel sorry for them and remember how bad the addiction used to be for me.This program provided everything I needed to help me stop smoking … counseling, behavior modification, aides and the electrical acupuncture treatment that took away the cravings. After the treatment (having smoked for 20+ years), I still thought about smoking, but the thought did not linger for more than a few seconds. During the follow-up visits, I received the electrical acupuncture treatments to reinforce my success.

This year, 2015, I decided to share The STOP Clinic with my wife, Sandy. She was having digestive issues and desperately wanted to lose some weight. With Leslie’s help, Sandy learned which foods to eat to correct her digestive problems and aid in her weight loss. Surprisingly, they were both the same! Sandy continues to eat well, lose weight and feels more energy now that her food is digesting properly.

We are both excited about our progress and successes at The STOP Clinic. Sandy said, We both learned how to eat right and what we should avoid. We both eat better now!

Over the years, I have referred many people to see Leslie. We are two of her supporters!

Gary and Sandy Cooper
Kenly, NC