One day while playing poker on a computer website, a lady mentioned that she stopped smoking with a laser treatment. The next day I began searching and The STOP Clinic came up on the first page of my search. I called Leslie Lyon and made an appointment.
I asked my pulmonary specialist what he thought about the program and he said, “It’s probably just a gimmick similar to snake oil.” My general practitioner, Dr. Marcia Ballard, encouraged me to attend the program because she had already tried every method under the sun to help me quit!
After smoking for 45+ years, I have to admit, I was a bit skeptical, too. After the first treatment, I stopped smoking and could not believe it. My wife still smokes and I am hoping she will want to stop, too.
Last week, I went for a follow-up physical with Dr. Ballard and she was truly surprised and impressed that I was not smoking any more. For years, I had been on medication for Raynaud’s disease (a condition where your fingers, toes and extremities go numb and turn blue). Dr. Ballard said I didn’t need the medication any more. The color is coming back in my skin, especially in my face.
Leslie wanted me to have blood work done so Dr. Ballard could see the changes in my blood (My insurance company says I have to wait several months because I am not due for blood work at this time). I am eating better and drinking more water. Dr. Ballard wants brochures to share with her other clients who have battled this powerful addiction like I have.
I am happy that I found this program when I did.
Joe Hannon
Goldston, NC