have not had a cigarette in about 5 years now, my very last one was in the parking lot of The STOP Clinic. I was skepticalunhappy about the cost of cigarettes, and anxious all at the same time. I had tried quitting many times, using every method out there… nothing really worked, and I failed.

We found Leslie, gave a visit to The STOP Clinic, and that was it. More than I ever expected, Leslie works with you, not just for my horrible smoking habit, but my overall health, mind and bodyI have never smoked again… most importantly, I don’t want to. Going with this program was the smartest decisions I have ever made, I can’t thank her enough.

If you want to quit smoking, don’t waste another dime on cigarettes. Go to this clinic, work with Leslie, you will be free of the carcinogens and poison of smoking. Plus her helpful healthy eating tips and occasional recipes are outstanding.

I have seen a 100% success rate; every person I have recommended is now smoke free.

It’s more than just smoking, it will help rescue your life.

Thank you Leslie… You are AWESOME!!

Justin Verlinger
Fayetteville, NC