The Health Benefits of Baking Soda

Baking Soda: It cleans. It deodorizes. It exfoliates. It even causes chemical reactions in homemade volcanoes in science fairs around the world. But did you know that a study published by the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology found that it could even reduce your chances of an early death?

Baking soda has many health benefits, and just as many ways to ingest it. Read on below to learn more about the scientific evidence supporting the benefits of baking soda and how it can help you fight disease, resist toxicity, and improve your overall health.

The Science Behind Baking Soda

The study mentioned above from the American Society of Nephrology compared the data of 2,287 participants and revealed that longevity seems to be the result of balanced levels of bicarbonates in the body. The author, Dr. Kalani Rapheal, a nephrology and hypertension specialist at the University of Utah, found that the risk of premature death was reduced by 24% in participants with low levels of bicarbonate, and that “generally healthy older people with low levels of bicarbonate had a higher risk of death.”

She and her colleagues studied the link between levels of pH, CO2 and bicarbonate and old age. Dr. Eric Chan reports that “Uniformly, in ill patients, increasing the alkaline buffer of the tissues makes patients feel better. … If I use the intravenous sodium bicarbonate in such patients, it is usually given twice a week for a period of 4-5 weeks. Sodium bicarbonate is a very effective way of directly improving cellular health by making the tissue more alkaline.”

People who with bicarbonate-balanced bodies are better able to resist chemical toxicity because of bicarbonates’ ability to absorb certain carcinogens. Additionally, sodium bicarbonate is able to balance out overly acidic pH levels. When pH levels are out of whack, the body is less resistant to diseases, including cancer.

A study by Dr. Robert J. Gillies at Wayne State University School of Medicine reports that “Acidity generated by the tumor microenvironment drives local invasion. The pH of solid tumors is acidic due to increased fermentative metabolism and poor perfusion. …The regions of highest tumor invasion corresponded to areas of lowest pH. Tumor invasion did not occur into regions with normal or near-normal pH. In support of the functional importance of our findings, oral administration of sodium bicarbonate was sufficient to increase peritumoral pH and inhibit tumor growth.”

Acidosis and the Importance of Body pH

Americans notoriously consume processed, chemical-laden foods that are packed with pesticides and artificial sweeteners. Because of this, the pH levels of our bodies is generally acidic. This is called acidosis.

While such foods as meat, eggs and dairy are acidic, processed foods (especially when combined with pharmaceutical drugs, breathing too quickly and pollution) are the leading cause of acidosis. Symptoms of acidosis include (but are not limited to):

  • Fatigue
  • Infection
  • Obesity
  • Depression
  • Dry Skin
  • Ulcers
  • Diabetes
  • Immune Deficiency
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Premature Aging
  • Weak Bones
  • Bladder & Kidney Issues
  • Cardiovascular Damage

This is because acidosis is hard on the body. When pH levels are off, the body tries to neutralize itself by siphoning essential minerals from bones and organs. In fact, acidic pH levels fertilize tumors and metastasis, and will aid in slowly destroying the liver, as the pancreas is extra-sensitive to acidosis.

On the flip side, a neutral pH is not only NOT harmful, but is actually healthy. In fact, one study, conducted by The Journal of Nutrition, studied participants who drank 1 liter of either sparkling or still water for two months daily.

The result? When participants drank the sparkling water, there were significant reductions in “bad” cholesterol (LDL), while simultaneously increasing levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL). Additionally, doctors hypothesize that these positive biochemical changes will actually reduce women’s risk of developing heart disease by 1/3 over the next decade.

Why Baking Soda?

If consuming any “alkalkine” substance will help raise the body’s pH, then why baking soda?

Simply put, baking soda is cheap, and readily accessible! You can purchase a box for around $1. As mentioned above, sparkling water (full of bicarbonates/CO2) has the potential to easily replaces all statin drug; however, doctors and big Pharma do not want patients to replace their medicine cabinets with cheap alternatives, so it has remained largely secret.

Is Baking Soda the Same as Baking Powder?

NO! Baking powder is a blend of baking soda (aka, pure sodium bicarbonate) and other ingredients (usually cream of tartar and fillers like cornstarch) designed to be used as a raising agent in baking.

Cream of tartar is an acid, and sodium bicarbonate is a base, meaning that when water (or wet cake mix) is added to baking powder, it creates bubbles which help the mixture rise in the oven.

However, this also means that baking powder will not help raise your body’s pH, as you’re consuming an acid and a base all at once. (Not to mention various fillers!)

Make sure that you are taking baking soda (pure sodium bicarbonate), NOT baking powder.

Getting Your Daily Dose

There are many ways to consume baking soda. Dr. Sircus recommends taking baking soda orally for maximum effect. But for those who just can’t “stomach” baking soda dissolved in warm water, there are alternatives.

Dr. Sircus recommends in his book to combine 1 part baking soda with 3 parts of pure maple syrup. This helps make the baking soda more palatable. He also recommends a nice soak in a tub of warm water mixed with baking soda at the first sign of a cold.

Dr. Sircus is not the only doctor who touts the benefits of baking soda. Dr. Mercola lists on his website a multitude of uses, including Arm & Hammer’s original directions for fighting the cold and flu, back in 1925:

  • Day 1 – Take six doses of ½ teaspoon of baking soda in glass of cool water, at about two-hour intervals.
  • Day 2 – Take four doses of ½ teaspoon of baking soda in glass of cool water, at the same intervals.
  • Day 3 – Take two doses of ½ teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of cool water in the morning and evening.
  • Day 4 (until symptoms disappear) – Take ½ teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of cool water each morning.

It is true that Arm & Hammer may have a vested interest in pushing baking soda, but it is a good guide to start with, especially if you don’t mind the flavor! (Personally, I think the baking soda combined with apple cider vinegar has a “shrimp-like” taste.)

Another option, as mentioned above, is to drink a liter of sparkling water daily. Add some fresh lemon or lime. Not only does it taste great, but citrus fruits actually turn alkaline in your body.

I recommend trying different ways and sticking to whatever method works best for you!