Sarah Troxler changed her diet to get rid of Heart Palpations

Today is Thanksgiving Day 2017.

Saturday morning in 2017, I was visiting with a group of friends talking about past experiences that defied explanation! Steve shared, “Many years ago, I visited a woman in Cary that cured my obsessive smoking habit. I had smoked for most of my adult life and none of the methods I tried for stopping smoking worked. At the insistence of my wife, I travelled to see Leslie Lyon, in yet another effort to kick the habit. I had no confidence that this program would be any different than any other attempt to quit smoking. To my surprise, after my first visit / treatment, I never smoked again.  That was 20+ years ago I remain a healthy non-smoker.”

Steve’s story intrigued me greatly, due to a deep concern for my brother, Chris, who smoked nearly a pack a day.  I relayed Steve’s experience to Chris who was skeptical and quite disinterested in stopping smoking.  With my persistence and concern for his health, Chris agreed to become a client of Leslie’s.  I went to his first appointment with him because I was curious.  We arrived for the first visit on August 7th.  Leslie greeted us in the waiting room then took us to her cozy office.  Leslie herself is what I would call an easy spirit.  She is also one of the most non-judgmental people I have ever encountered.  She is exceptionally kind.

Leslie engaged with Chris and then explained what she does. Due to Chris’  “take out / bachelor style” diet, he decided to combine his smoking program with the food program I joined him in the diet protocol to experience it myself and support him.

Today is November 23rd, Thanksgiving Day 2017,  Chris is still a non-smoker, well over 3 months later as I write this. I cannot articulate how grateful I am. He is pretty amazed himself.

I am passionate about what I have learned from Leslie and have followed Leslie’s food protocol since the first visit. Eating clean is not deprivation and becomes a preferred way of choosing food … craving foods that are nutritionally beneficial.  Energy and healing is the reward.

Several years prior to adopting Leslie’s food protocol, I had very persistent and troubling heart palpations. I even visited the top cardiologist in my city, and he could not diagnose my symptoms. Two weeks into practicing Leslie’s eating protocol, the palpations lessened. Within one month, they disappeared entirely. The peace this has given me is invaluable. I also feel a lightness in my body and increased energy that is a direct result of my improved diet.

Thank you Leslie for your exceptional impact on our lives.

Sarah Troxler
Mount Pilot, NC