Go meatless and improve your health! Research confirms that in three to six months of eating a plant based diet, you can eliminate several health problems, including:

  • Heart Disease — Over-consumption of meat causes heart disease. In the blog article, “Ten Proven Reasons Why Meat Ruins Your Body” there are 11 studies cited that includes over 745,000 people from several countries who were studied in these prospective cohort studies. That is an absolute mountain of consistent data showing that eating meat results in more cardiovascular death.
  • Obesity —  Most people eat far too much meat and bread and not enough fruits and vegetables. People following the Hallelujah Diet consumed 11.5 servings of vegetables and 6.5 servings of fruit daily. Most people get much less than that. When you switch over to a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, organic whole grains and legumes, you cut out the extra fat, the excess protein, and a lot of sugars. This goes a long way in reducing obesity.
  • Cancer Reduction — Studies show that those who follow plant-based diets have a much lower cancer risk than people who eat meat.  Some scientists have suspected that is the overuse of growth hormones and antibiotics within the meat that is causing the surge in cancer. However, there have been studies of people eating very clean diets who still had excessive rates of cancer due to their high “clean” meat consumption.
  • Depression Avoidance — Changing your hormones increases your risk of depression. Meat tends to suppress serotonin and dopamine production, making you feel sadder and more withdrawn.

This is one craving you do not need to give into. As you fill your diet with fruits, vegetables, organic whole grains and legumes, your body will obtain protein from these sources. You do not need to pay attention to your protein consumption unless you are overly concerned about it.

  • Bone Loss — Some people may be concerned that going meatless will cause greater rates of bone loss. However, a study comparing vegans and omnivores found that bone loss was greatest among the omnivores and that bone loss was associated with corticosteroid use and high intake of animal protein!
“Go ahead. Ask me where I get my protein…”

Eating organic whole grains is important, as a high phytate diet is protective to bone densityVitamin C, found at high levels in the Hallelujah Diet, is also protective for your bones. In general, a more alkaline diet protects your bones as well. And be sure to do weight-bearing exercises regularly, as this increases bone strength. So, your fears about increased bone loss on a meat-less diet are actually unfounded. You are likely to have better bone health by going meatless.

Why the gorilla photos? Gorillas, horses, elephants, giraffes, deer and many wild animals are herbivores. They are also some of the strongest animals on Earth.