Jean suffered from “Chemical drug Sensitivity” aka Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)

Two years after our program began, a client, George, came to us to stop smoking. Being a truck driver, he was very excited that he was able to kick his life-long habit! 

On his second visit, he asked me if I could help his wife, Jean, who suffered from a condition he called “Chemical Drug Sensitivity”. He explained that Jean had been sick and in a wheelchair for the past 7 years. It was very difficult for her to go anywhere without feeling “deathly ill” – even the smell of new carpet or perfume in an elevator made her ill.

I replied to George, “I have no experience with this!” But he begged me to try to help her. He felt so good, he wanted her to feel good, too. I asked my mentor, Dr. Spanos, for advice, who said, “Give her 3 treatments and see what happens.”

When George brought Jean to me, I was very nervous. I asked Jean if she was willing to change her diet, deleting the inflammatory foods. She said she was willing to do ANYTHING to go back to the life she once had. When I first met Jean, she was in a wheelchair and on a breathing apparatus, bent over as though very uncomfortable. 

When Jean returned to me after the first visit, she was no longer on the breathing apparatus. After her second visit, she WALKED in WITHOUT her wheelchair. Chills went all over my body. After her third visit, Jean had returned to her gardening activities which she so dearly loved. After a few more visits we discovered that as long as Jean stayed away from the inflammatory foods, the symptoms of her illness also stayed away.