Kombucha & Fermented Drinks

The Health Benefits of Kombucha

Fermented drinks can be considered a Natural Probiotic. During fermentation, beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus strains often develop. These bacteria can help maintain a healthy gut microbiome, potentially improving digestion and immune function.

Kombucha is a type of fermented drink that is not only delicious, but comes with a range of health benefits!

Kim (who lives in Maryland) came to our program in October, 2024 to lose weight. She also suffered from horrible hot flashes which haunted her more than 100 times in one day. Many people come to our program to escape hot flashes, which usually subside in a week and disappear after 2 weeks!

After one month, Kim lost 15 pounds but her hot flashes (although lessened) continued to plague her. I explained hot flashes were due to toxicity in the body which raised the body temperature, and if her hot flashes were still there, we needed to heal her gut inflammation. I suggested that she begin eating fermented foods.

Kim started drinking 2 ounces of kombucha daily and the hot flashes lessened to about 5 per day! Now she is drinking 3 to 5 ounces of kombucha daily.

Here’s another example of the healing power of fermentation: when I spoke to Kim, I’d been suffering for weeks from congestion. I developed a bad cold, with a nagging cough that lingered.

After talking to Kim, I began brewing my own favorite fermented Apple Cider Vinegar drink again, and drinking it a couple times a day. Within just 2 days, my horrible cough left! Several days later, I noticed that the stuffy feeling in my head (that I became very good at ignoring) was gone! I thanked Kim for reminding me of the strong yet simple healing powers of fermentation!

Want to know how to brew your own powerful fermented probiotic drinks? Read on for the recipe to my own super-easy fermented ACV drink that anyone can make at home!

Kombucha always starts with a “mother” (a.k.a., the culture of beneficial bacteria and yeast that causes the fermentation process). You might also see it called a S.C.O.B.Y. – a.k.a., “Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast.”

However, you don’t need to buy a “scoby” to start brewing your own fermented drinks. Raw apple cider vinegar (aka ACV “with the mother”) has all the ingredients you need. The brown sediment that usually floats on the bottom is the beginning of a “mother”! (She won’t be as pretty as a “scoby” you can purchase online, but she will be just as powerful!)

My Fermented ACV recipe:

  • 1 Quart, Half Gallon, or Gallon of Apple Cider (I prefer the raw and organic)
  • 1/4 to 1/2 cup of raw Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix and put on kitchen counter for 3 days. The cider will begin fermenting, and the mother will begin growing.

As the days go buy, the cider will become stronger as the mother consumes the sugars in the cider. To keep this elixir going, add more apple cider. The natural sugars feed the mother and keeps her happy!