STOP Clinic Blog
New Use Discovered for Baking Soda: Saving Lives
Baking Soda: It Cleans. It Deodorizes. It Exfoliates. It even causes chemical reactions in homemade volcanoes in Science Fairs around the world. But did you know that a study published by the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology found that it could even reduce your chances of an early
Nick Verses came from Boerve, Texas to stop smoking.
Hi Leslie, Just a quick note to wish u all the best in 2012… it’s been 5 yrs since I quit smoking thanks to you and I’ve never felt better… Thank you ! Nick Verses Boerve, Texas
Erectile Dysfunction, Inflammation and Heart Disease
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) strikes men of all ages. What is the relationship between erectile dysfunction, inflammation and heart disease? Is erectile dysfunction a condition of old age or poor diet ? We have seen men as young as 35 years of age struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED). They often cannot
Diane Barry suffered from Hypoglycemia, was diagnosed as a pre-diabetic and was often bed ridden.
Six months ago, I was pre-diabetic. For the past 30 years, I felt I was slowly “decaying” and seeking help from doctors to figure out what was wrong with me. Ten years ago, I found an MD who diagnosed my problem and prescribed the right medications which allowed me to function
Bob Mullner suffered most of his adult life as a smoker, from depression and anxiety.
I came to the S.T.O.P. Clinic to give up smoking. Little did I know that I was embarking on a journey that would change my life. For my entire adult life, I have struggled with agonizing depression and a severe anxiety disorder. Because of the depression, I constantly felt sluggish, lethargic, low energy,
Kem Arthur of Kernersville, NC stopped smoking after trying for 12 years !
I visited Leslie in January of 2011 after hearing about her STOP Clinic from a male coworker, David Largen, who stopped smoking with her help. It seemed like such an easy transition for him. I knew of his smoking habits and could not believe he was having such an easy transition.