STOP Clinic Blog
Make Kombucha Tea Scoby at Home
Kombucha tea can be quite delicious, really good for you, and strangely addictive! Fermented foods are great for healing the gut flora. Consuming fermented foods is a great way to practice prevention. The taste of Kombucha tea can range from fermented apple cider to a vinegary carbonated water. You can control
Betty Brown stopped smoking after having COPD for 9 years
Betty Brown of Kinston, NC stopped smoking after having Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder for 9 years. Even though I love the feeling and relaxation of a shower, I used to dread getting into the shower. I hung my oxygen mask close by on the towel rod so I could put
Restless Leg Syndrome Disappears
Restless Leg Syndrome disappears with the help of electricity, magnets and a detox diet. For more than a year, I had legs that ached at night that never hurt during the day. Some people refer to this as “Restless Leg Syndrome”. Most nights, I was awakened by the severe pain
Kaye Duncan of Roxboro, North Carolina was a former smoker who suffered with pain from chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy.
April 9, 2012: I came to see Leslie Lyon at The STOP Clinic to stop smoking and never picked up another cigarette, after my 40 year habit ! April 5, 2013: I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. May 7, 2013: I had lymph node surgery. May 7, 2013: MD prescribed a Chemotherapy medication, required for the
Patricia Tatem changed her diet to get rid of “Restless Leg Syndrome.”
For more than a year, I had legs that ached at night that never hurt during the day. Some people refer to this as “Restless Leg Syndrome.” Most nights, I was awakened by the severe pain in my legs. I could go to sleep, but not for very long. This went on for
Doreen Hook of Creedmoor, NC was addicted to Cigarettes for 44 years.
I have smoked 44 years and never thought I could do it and have tried many times to stop. This program gave me the strength to stay focused and gave me coping skills and ideas of how to deal with the thoughts. I think this program is worth a million dollars if it can get me to stop.