Articles & Testimonials
Kitty lost 51 pounds in 15 Weeks during the Covid-19 Quarantine
Kitty Lost 17 pounds in 3 weeks! She lost 51 pounds in 15 weeks! In July, 2021, Kitty’s husband came to our clinic to stop smoking. He asked, “Can you help my wife lose weight? She feels bad and needs to lose…
Amanda Verlinger suffered from anxiety, depression, vertigo and chronic pain.
My name is Amanda Verlinger and I’m 32 years old. I decided to go to The STOP Clinic after I came home to NC from WA state for a family visit. While home, my parents suggested the idea as we…
Bruce Grant of Kernersville, NC suffered from Polycythemia vera, nicotine addiction and endured Therapeutic Phlebotomy Treatments
I am a 44 year-old male and had smoked a pack of cigarettes a day since I was 19 years old. Like most people, I took my health for granted. I tried every method to stop smoking, failing miserably, only…
Corona Virus Prevention
The Corona Virus Prevention Protocol can be as simple as increasing your minerals and vitamins. Do not panic! We ALL need to concentrate on Health and Healing INSTEAD of Fear! Learn how to make your immune system strong to avoid…
Jean suffered from “Chemical drug Sensitivity” aka Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)
Two years after our program began, a client, George, came to us to stop smoking. Being a truck driver, he was very excited that he was able to kick his life-long habit! On his second visit, he asked me if I…
Michele Gurkin changed her diet and her energy skyrocketed!
Just completed five weeks with Leslie at The Stop Clinic. I am more than pleased. I was living overweight and malnourished, resulting in a sluggish lifestyle. After seeing Leslie, following her plan and receiving her treatments my energy skyrocketed! I…
Favorite Recipes
Below are just a few of the favorite recipes we’ve collected over the years – some created by Leslie herself, and some submitted by happy clients! Whether you’re looking to detox, introduce more green, living foods to your diet, or…
Spirulina – Miracle Super Food
Ignored Since the 1950s – Now a ‘Miracle’ High-Protein Super Food? Posted By Dr. Mercola | July 01 2011 | 95,719 views Imagine a plant that can nourish your body by providing most of the protein you need…
Mary Lou Gooden stopped smoking, reduced diabetic symptoms and had bronchitis only once in 17 years!
Hi Leslie! Several of my relatives went to The STOP Clinic to stop smoking, so 17 years ago, 2002, I went to this clinic and I have not smoked since. Next week, my son and his wife are going and I am excited for…
Go Meatless and Improve your Health
[Information in this Blog is provided by The Hallelujah Diet, a well established Wellness Program that successfully helps people through many lifestyle illnesses and diseases.] Meatless plant based diet saves lives Go meatless and improve your health! Research confirms that in…