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Artificial Sweetener Poisoning
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Caffeine Addiction
Chemo-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
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Kidney Stone Flush Recipe
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Restless Leg Syndrome
Spirulina – Miracle Super Food
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Nancy Avrett improved her diabetic condition with amazing results by changing her foods.

Jul 23, 2018

In 1994, I was diagnosed with diabetes and have been on the insulin pump since 2008. My energy was low, I was often irritable and sometimes clammy and shaky. I used to give myself extra insulin before meals to prevent my blood sugar from “spiking.”…

Chris McMichael of Elizabethtown, NC is grateful to be a non-smoker!

Jul 23, 2018

Hi Leslie, I have been meaning to send you a message for some time to thank you again for helping me stop smoking. It has been almost 2 years and I can’t thank you enough. I have been giving out…

Brian and Judie Maderos of The Villages in Florida was addicted to smoking for 45 years.

Brian and Judie Maderos of The Villages in Florida was addicted to smoking for 45 years.

Jul 23, 2018

My wife, Judie, was addicted too, but not as badly as I. She encouraged me, as did my cousin Jo, to partake in The STOP Clinic’s Smoking Treatment Sessions. So Judie and I went to Cary, NC. I went, but I…

Sarah Troxler changed her diet to get rid of Heart Palpations

Sarah Troxler changed her diet to get rid of Heart Palpations

Nov 23, 2017

Today is Thanksgiving Day 2017. Saturday morning in 2017, I was visiting with a group of friends talking about past experiences that defied explanation! Steve shared, “Many years ago, I visited a woman in Cary that cured my obsessive smoking habit.…

The Health Benefits of Baking Soda

Sep 13, 2017

Baking Soda: It cleans. It deodorizes. It exfoliates. It even causes chemical reactions in homemade volcanoes in science fairs around the world. But did you know that a study published by the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology…

Nick Verses came from Boerve, Texas to stop smoking.

Jul 23, 2017

Hi Leslie, Just a quick note to wish u all the best in 2012… it’s been 5 years since I quit smoking thanks to you and I’ve never felt better… Thank you ! Nick VersesBoerve, Texas

Diane Barry suffered from Hypoglycemia, was diagnosed as a pre-diabetic and was often bed ridden.

Jul 23, 2016

Six months ago, I was pre-diabetic. For the past 30 years, I felt I was slowly “decaying” and seeking help from doctors to figure out what was wrong with me. Ten years ago, I found an MD who diagnosed my problem…

Bob Mullner suffered most of his adult life as a smoker, from depression and anxiety

Bob Mullner suffered most of his adult life as a smoker, from depression and anxiety

Jul 23, 2016

I came to the S.T.O.P. Clinic to give up smoking. Little did I know that I was embarking on a journey that would change my life. For my entire adult life, I have struggled with agonizing depression and a severe anxiety disorder.…

Kem Arthur of Kernersville, NC stopped smoking after trying for 12 years!

Kem Arthur of Kernersville, NC stopped smoking after trying for 12 years!

Jul 23, 2016

I visited Leslie in January of 2011 after hearing about her STOP Clinic from a male coworker, David Largen, who stopped smoking with her help. It seemed like such an easy transition for him. I knew of his smoking habits and…

Betty Brown stopped smoking after having COPD for 9 years

Betty Brown stopped smoking after having COPD for 9 years

May 2, 2016

Betty Brown of Kinston, NC stopped smoking after having Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder for 9 years. Even though I love the feeling and relaxation of a shower, I used to dread getting into the shower. I hung my oxygen mask…