The most popular weight loss fad today, since 2024, is the Wegovy and Ozempic weight loss shot to suppress the appetite. But these shots are expensive, unsustainable, and can cause a number of unpleasant and even dangerous side effects. They may cause dramatic weight loss in the first months, but after that, many revert to old patterns and regain the weight quickly.

The only way to lose weight in a healthy fashion is to clean the intestines, develop a healthy gut biome, learn healthy eating patterns, and eat foods that are pure and nourishing!

Do you actually know why you are overweight? What caused you to gain weight and keep it?

Are you blaming your obesity on menopause or hereditary factors?

Are you tired of having little energy and feeling sick and tired?

We offer a rapid detox treatment program for Rapid Weight loss, that is Safe, Natural and Drug free. Other programs do NOT offer this rapid weight-loss program without drugs or surgery.

With our program, you will learn the pure foods to consume to heal and detox your body as well as the processed foods to avoid which make you sick and rob you of energy! Our rapid detoxification treatment blocks the cravings for sugar and other processed foods that contribute to disease and inflammation while wrecking your immune system. You will learn to build your immune system naturally, to prevent illnesses and disease!

The most weight our clients have lost is 1 to 2 pounds per day, 3 to 14 pounds in one week, 28 pounds in one month, and as much as 51 pounds in 7 weeks. This is a rapid detox and rapid weight-loss program. After the first month, you can expect to lose weight at the minimum rate of 3 to 5 pounds per week, depending on how aggressive you want to be and how overweight you are.

Our electrical stimulation treatments block the cravings from sugar, simple carbs, processed foods and junk. Behavior modification techniques help you lose the weight successfully and learn ways to prevent it from coming back! Lose weight naturally by choosing fresh foods from the grocery store or farmers market.

Our treatment protocol is based on an ancient Chinese protocol for rapid drug detoxification. Our goal is to help you get rid of inflammation and the toxic waste buildup stored in your fat cells and colon.

Through detoxing with our weight loss program, you can expect:

  • NO loose or saggy skin
  • More energy
  • Improvements in mood
  • Feeling ‘cleaner’ and lighter
  • Good Change in Bowel Movements
  • Better and Deeper Sleep
  • Hot Flashes Disappear
  • Acid Reflux and Indigestion Disappear
  • Reduction of Anxiety, Stress and Depression
  • Aches and Pains Disappear … even Arthritis!
  • Headaches Disappear
  • Better Bladder Control
  • Incontinence Is Gone
  • Lower Blood Pressure, Naturally
  • Lower Cholesterol, Naturally

Regardless of what you may have learned early in life, when you lose weight quickly, you gain extreme new energy, feel better than ever, and are excited about your efforts. As a result of this new image, you will be more likely to maintain your new eating patterns. If you are an emotional eater, we can use energy work or self-hypnosis techniques to help you combat the emotions that may have kept you in trouble in the past.

YOU have the power to take responsibility for your health and WE are here to help you take that lead. Get started today!

Belly Fat, Inflammation, Hot Flashes, Impotency and Heart Disease

What do Belly Fat, Inflammation, Hot Flashes, Impotency and Heart Disease have in common with each other? Inflammation and toxicity are the root cause of all disease.

Is erectile dysfunction a condition of old age or poor diet? Men as young as 35 years of age struggle with erectile dysfunction. They often cannot have an erection or hold one. Blood is simply not flowing to the penis as designed.

There is a strong relationship between erectile dysfunction, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The body is loaded with inflammation. Due to inflammation and malnutrition, the blood is not flowing properly. Most people who are sick with Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cancer, Arthritis and other inflammatory diseases rely on medications, medical doctors and specialists to keep them alive with the “proper” medications. These are the same people who suffer from Erectile Dysfunction and other nutritionally deficient diseases. They have no energy and a lost of excitement for life! Many people become anxious, frustrated and angry. They (both men and women) have simply lost their desire for intimacy by the age of 50.

Do you suffer from any of these maladies?

  • Sleep apnea
  • Joint pain
  • Arthritis
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Lethargy
  • Muscle pain
  • Impotency
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Diabetes
  • Hot flashes
  • Heart disease

Too much belly fat can affect your energy, mood, self confidence, sleep, blood sugar and can be a sign of something much worse. It can kill your health and take many years off your life.

Hereditary Illnesses

Do you have a hereditary risk (best known as “tendency”) for any of the following health issues?

  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • High Cholesterol
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Obesity

You do NOT have to “inherit” your relatives’ disease!

Many people “inherit” their parents’ illnesses by “inheriting” their parents’ poor diet. Over a period of decades this repeated diet causes repeated illnesses and diseases.

We believe in a diet rich in plant foods, pure and unadulterated. By consuming these foods, millions of people have reversed many illnesses, even with diagnoses and predictions of termination of life.

Diseases such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and many blood and food-related illnesses have been reversed or annihilated by changing to a pure diet.

Weight loss is a side benefit of detoxing the body and eating foods that are energizing, rather than “poisonous.”

Processed foods & toxicity

There is only one disease… the disease of Toxicity. [The China Study, by Drs. Campbell and Campbell].

Personally, after working with thousands of people with addictions for over 25+ years, I know this to be true. I have witnessed each person detox, change their behavior patterns and food choices to heal their bodies.

If we want to feel better and prevent or reverse disease, we have to avoid processed foods. These foods are causing depression, anxiety, anger, aggressiveness, lethargy, “brain fog,” pain, illness, and eventually the “Popular Big Three” of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

Scientific researchers identify a new viral strand for a disease daily and create a new name for this disease. Big Pharma invents a new drug to treat this new disease.

Americans are killing themselves by relying on pharmaceutical drugs to keep them alive. Look around: You can see it. A shot, a pill, a drug, a chemical is not going to cure a disease; not even obesity.

One must detox the body to remain disease free. By choosing foods that are safe and pure, we can nourish the body, build the immune system, and create an environment of alkalinity to protect the body against disease.

The American vs. European approach

In Europe, where Genetically Modified (GMO) foods are illegal, patients dealing with maladies such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and other food-related illnesses are given a one-month prescription and are told, “Go home and get your numbers back in control with diet and exercise!” They are encouraged to change the lifestyle issue that is causing the problem.

In America, many people are placed on medications and told, “You will be on these medications for the rest of your life!” Diet, nutrition and exercise are rarely mentioned. Medical professionals prescribe the drugs to patients to prevent strokes, heart attacks and death. Medical professionals know that most people are not willing to make the necessary dietary changes to reverse their illnesses. When your medical professional puts you on these drugs, she or he is saving your life. However, in all fairness, they need to encourage you to correct the habits that caused the issues in the first place.

Obesity, diabetes, cancer, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, etc. are on the rise in America. Many people are becoming disabled and are experiencing early death from these illnesses.

Diet & the immune system

Are you interested in a diet that can boost your immune system, prevent cancer, reverse heart and many other food related diseases?

Many of the food related illnesses are sugar related… or related to foods that easily and quickly convert to sugar. The body becomes addicted to these processed foods and begins shutting down after a few decades. The person feels weak and sickly, asks their medical professional for medications and over time, becomes heavily dependent on large doses of medications.

In America, many children choose their own foods at an early age. A poor diet causes irritability, anxiety, lethargy, obesity, depression, trouble with concentration and a feeling of lack of purpose. A few blood-related illnesses resulting from poor lifetime eating habits are:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Strokes
  • Lupus
  • Heart Attacks
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Hypothyroidism
  • and many more…

The quick, easy (“band-aid”) answer is medication… it becomes a substitute for proper nutrition… outcome: the addiction.

Our electrical stimulation treatment blocks the cravings for sugar and other drugs, resets your appetite control signal, helps the body detox faster, thus, increases the body’s metabolism.

We will teach you how to choose foods and control portions to help you lose the weight faster to help you reach your goals. Within 1 to 3 days, you will begin to lose weight and feel the energy from your new way of eating. Before 3 weeks, your blood composition begins to change.

We will customize the program to fit your needs. It is your program, designed to support you for the rest of your life to achieve a healthy, happy, disease-free life!

Other Popular Weight-loss Programs

Gastric bypass surgery has become very popular. Some people do very well with this surgery; some, not so well. What makes the difference? Some people change their diets; others do not. Losing weight is a lifestyle change. A poor diet lacking in nutrition will cause weight gain in any person, even those with gastric bypass surgery.

With the weight-loss surgery, many patients put the weight back on after one year! These unfortunate souls are usually the patients who did not change their food choices or eating patterns. Instead of eating the pure foods, the patient is now eating less of the bad foods. Anyone who is morbidly obese would initially lose weight eating very small portions of food, good or bad.

Diet pills, amphetamines, diet drugs such as Adderall are not safe for consumption. Starving oneself to be skinny is extremely hard for the heart and other organs and can lead to sudden death.

Does insurance cover the program?

Sometimes, but not usually.

United Health Care and Blue Cross Blue Shield have given reimbursement for some people in the past. Those “lucky” or “persistent” people reported that they submitted their receipts (sometimes more than once) along with a detailed letter requesting reimbursement. A referral note to The STOP Clinic with a diagnosis from your physician can be helpful when seeking reimbursement.

Insurance does not usually cover our program because this is considered to be an “alternative treatment program“, i.e., treatment to heal the body without the use of drugs and surgery. Our treatment protocol is a very ancient technique, used by Europe and Asia for thousands of years!

We have many different programs and offer discounts when combining the programs.

Will I feel drugged after the treatment? Can I drive myself home?

No, you will NOT feel drugged. There are no medicines or drugs involved. Yes, you can drive yourself home.

Will losing weight using the STOP Clinic treatment allow me to decrease my medications?

As we start the detox process, we teach you how to detox your body on a daily basis. Your cholesterol, triglyceride, blood pressure and weight numbers begin decreasing, immediately. Anywhere from 3 weeks to 2 months, your medical doctor will begin paying attention to your new lifestyle changes and suggest that you may begin decreasing certain medications.

Most patients remark after the first week, “This was really easy. I didn’t feel hungry, deprived, or irritable. The program is so natural that I don’t feel like I have to sacrifice anything”.

What health improvements can I expect to see?

We teach you how to eat foods that are healing and boost the metabolism, naturally. Your body feels satisfied and you will not feel like you are sacrificing or starving yourself. You feel content as your pounds fall off, naturally. There is no need to yo-yo when the body feels satisfied.

Comments we receive from our current and former clients are encouraging: “My weight is changing and a lot of my former health problems are disappearing.” The patient usually sees a significant difference in their weight, body functions and energy level in just a few days.

Clients quickly notice problems with ailments such as:

  • Indigestion
  • Acid reflux
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Diverticulitis
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Arrhythmia
  • Body aches
  • Headaches
  • Impotency and erectile dysfunction, disappearing!

Many clients also notice remarkable improvements in other diseases such as:

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Diabetes
  • Migraines
  • Chronic arthritis
  • and many others.

Why does gastric bypass surgery often fail?

The two most popular programs that exist today are gastric bypass surgery and diet pills. Both are designed to suppress the appetite which causes you to eat less. With our program you will actually be eating more than you ever have in your life, losing weight faster than ever and feeling completely satisfied!

Gastric bypass surgery has become very popular, recently. Some people do very well with this surgery; some, not so well. What makes the difference? Some people change their diets and food choices; others do not.

Losing weight / being healthy involves a lifestyle change. A poor diet, lacking nutrition will cause weight gain in any person. Changing the diet to a lifestyle of eating healthy, nutritious, unadulterated and contamination free food not only results in weight loss but also reverses diseases such as obesity and other food related disorders.

Clients considering weight loss surgery are required to go through counseling, change their diet and lose a certain amount of weight to prove they are good candidates for the surgery. If the counseling prior to the weight-loss surgery included a diet change to a pure food diet, the client would automatically lose weight, and feel better immediately. If the bypass client adhered to this new way of eating, they would not need the gastric bypass surgery.

With the weight-loss surgery, many patients put the weight back on after a year! These unfortunate souls are usually the patients who did not change their food choices. Instead of eating the pure foods, the patient is now eating less of the bad foods. Anyone who is morbidly obese would initially lose weight eating very small portions of food… good or bad.

Diet pills, Adderall, amphetamines and other diet drugs are not safe for consumption. Starving one’s self to be skinny is extremely hard for the heart and other organs and can lead to anxiety, depression and sudden death.

I have already lost 34 pounds in 8 weeks! … Leslie of The Stop Clinic is amazing. She is warm, kind, compassionate, an excellent listener, follows up, extremely supportive and a bright light of positivity. I couldn’t imagine a better experience and more successful weight loss program.


After seeing Leslie, following her plan and receiving her treatments my energy skyrocketed! I have always been told to eat less in order to lose weight… Leslie taught me a better way and better patterns. I have never eaten so much in my life and keep losing weight!

Michele Gurkin

I have lost 65 lbs. and am still in the process of losing more… My blood pressure has dropped into the 120’s over the mid to high 60’s – not requiring any medication. I have much more energy. My eyes were opened wide by your help and guidance.

Janet Bosselman


I have already lost 34 pounds in 8 weeks! … Leslie of The Stop Clinic is amazing. She is warm, kind, compassionate, an excellent listener, follows up, extremely supportive and a bright light of positivity. I couldn’t imagine a better experience and more successful weight loss program.


After seeing Leslie, following her plan and receiving her treatments my energy skyrocketed! I have always been told to eat less in order to lose weight… Leslie taught me a better way and better patterns. I have never eaten so much in my life and keep losing weight!

Michele Gurkin

I have lost 65 lbs. and am still in the process of losing more… My blood pressure has dropped into the 120’s over the mid to high 60’s – not requiring any medication. I have much more energy. My eyes were opened wide by your help and guidance.

Janet Bosselman

My name is Leslie Lyon, and I am the owner and creator of the STOP Clinic. For the past 30+ years, I have helped people stop smoking, lose weight, and change their lives.

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My name is Leslie Lyon, and I am the owner and creator of the STOP Clinic. For the past 30+ years, I have helped people stop smoking, lose weight, and change their lives.

Menopause and Perimenopause

Menopausal Men and Women! Are you suffering from hot flashes? Incontinence? Sleeplessness? Irritability? Feelings of heaviness and bloating? Insomnia? Anxiety? Bad moods? Flaccid penis? Frustration with Erectile Dysfunction (ED)? Menopause and perimenopause do not have to be a dreaded time of life!  Through…

Infertility – Conceive Naturally with the STOP Clinic

Over the past 25+ years, we have helped 3, diagnosed as “infertile”, women become mothers! All 3 of these women were successful – that’s a 100% success rate! Infertility, for some unknown reason, is becoming more common than not these…

Kombucha & Fermented Drinks

The Health Benefits of Kombucha Fermented drinks can be considered a Natural Probiotic. During fermentation, beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus strains often develop. These bacteria can help maintain a healthy gut microbiome, potentially improving digestion and immune function. Kombucha is a…