Did you know that many illnesses are misdiagnosed and are actually caused by “artificial sweetener poisoning” (chemical poisoning)?

Documentation and observation reveal that thousands of children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD have had complete turnarounds in their behavior when processed foods, aspartame, and other artificial sweeteners have been removed from their diet.

Read on to learn more about how artificial ingredients can cause or worsen countless different conditions – and how a pure, natural diet can completely revolutionize your health!

Artificial Sweetener Poisoning

Aug 2, 2012

Many illnesses are misdiagnosed and are actually caused from “artificial sweetener poisoning” (chemical poisoning). Artificial sweeteners are highly addictive and extremely poisonous! In our clinic, we witness many illnesses disappear when the diet becomes pure. Over the past 30+ years, we have…

GMO Food… Is your food safe ?

Aug 3, 2012

Is your food safe, or has it been genetically modified (GMO Foods)? Most of the corn, wheat, soy, etc., available on the market today have been genetically modified. Pure foods are becoming more difficult to find. Most GMO crops were…

Metabolism, Weight Loss, & Healthy Eating

Dec 14, 2024

What effect does quitting smoking have on the metabolism? When a person stops using drugs and stimulants, the body becomes so relaxed, the metabolism slows down. At this point, if the person has poor eating patterns or habits, this is…