Many of our clients present with headaches and sometimes migraines. Many have been diagnosed and treated for migraines and sometimes unsuccessfully. We believe in finding the possible source of the headache and eliminating the problem rather than becoming eternally dependent on medications to mask the problem.
Our electrical stimulation treatment can usually eliminate the headache during our sessions. Once we discover the possible cause of recurring headaches, we suggest changes to prevent the headaches from returning. We stress the importance of a pure diet, detoxing and reducing inflammation inside the body.
In almost every case – if the client commits to making positive, long term changes – we are able to significantly reduce or eliminate their headaches/migraines!
Read on to learn more about the STOP Clinic Method and how it works, or click the button below to book a free consultation now!
The STOP Clinic Method
THE STOP CLINIC METHOD THE STOP CLINIC METHOD The STOP Clinic takes a multidisciplinary approach to help you stop an addiction. Our personalized approach includes a variety of treatments, including electrical acupuncture, laser, hypnosis, neuro linguistic programing, behavior modification techniques,…