Begin your journey to a smoke-free life!
How does The STOP Clinic succeed while methods like nicotine patches, nicotine lozenges, cold turkey, and other programs often fail?
Begin your journey to a smoke-free life!
How does The STOP Clinic succeed while methods like nicotine patches, nicotine lozenges, cold turkey, and other programs often fail?
Many programs promise an outcome that they cannot deliver. Many of their processes are long and drawn out. Our program provides a “rapid detox protocol” designed to help you combat your addiction naturally and rapidly.
We have programs other than smoking cessation designed to treat obesity, chronic pain and blood related illnesses. All of our programs involve rapid detox procedures. Our rapid detox treatments take 1 to 5 visits to complete. After completing our program, you may come back for reinforcement treatments at any time at a discounted rate during the year.
Many “STOP Smoking Programs” come and go, but ours was the first comprehensive program (treating both the physical, mental and emotional parts of an addiction) in this area of the United States. Established in 1992, our program has maintained a huge success rate enabling thousands of people from all over the United States and several foreign countries to stop smoking.
We take a great deal of pride in our better than 95% success rate. We expect success. Most people who find us are very serious about ending their addictions and finding a healthier way to live.
What does the program look like?
What does the program look like?
Our program combines Electrical Stimulation Treatments (Auricular Therapy) with Intuitive Counseling, Education and Follow-up Support to address both the physical and mental parts of nicotine addiction.
Counseling sessions include behavior modification techniques and tools used to address the mental and emotional part of the addiction. Our treatment uses a mild electrical stimulation to block cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
Ours is a rapid drug detox treatment – meaning every symptom you would have experienced happens very fast or not at all. For instance, your sense of taste and smell may return, immediately. You may stop coughing within one day. You may sweat the nicotine out at night or have no sweats at all.
We provide you with behavior modification exercises prior to your first visit to help you address the mental part of the addiction and to make your smoking cessation process both easy and enjoyable.
With our treatment program, you will be smoke free after the first treatment!
- The 1st Treatment helps you feel as though your body has not had nicotine for 10 days… meaning, you bypass the first 10 days of your cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
- The 2nd Treatment is provided for reinforcement. It helps you feel 10 more days into the future, bypassing the worst part of any addiction… the first 21 days.
- The 3rd Treatment serves as reinforcement to make sure you are 100% successful!
Some people want fourth or fifth follow-up appointments because their mental addiction is more severe than others.
Treatment and behavior modification tools help prevent weight gain that is often associated with smoking cessation. We offer discounted combination programs to help people with other health-related issues.
What should I expect on my first visit?
What should I expect on my first visit?
Other than leaving as a non-smoker, YOU will leave with a calm, mellow and relaxed feeling.
The information you provide on your forms will reveal a lot about the nature of your addiction. We will guide you in the best way to deal with your addiction to help you be the most successful now and into the future.
To begin the treatment we will clean your ears with rubbing alcohol (which is very relaxing). With a small probe, we will stimulate the acupuncture points on the outer part of your ear. The treatment protocol we use is an ancient Chinese protocol for Rapid Drug Detox. During the treatment, you feel a mild warming sensation, sometimes all over the body. If you are stressed, you may feel your tight muscles relaxing. The treatment is painless and very relaxing, and many people fall asleep!
Our ear stimulation treatment blocks the cravings, allowing your body to feel as though you have not had the drug for 10 days, by-passing the worst part of any addiction or withdrawal period.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does insurance cover the program?
Not usually.
Insurance does not usually cover our program because this is considered to be an “alternative treatment program“, i.e., treatment to heal the body without the use of drugs and surgery. Our treatment protocol is a very ancient technique, used by Europe and Asia for thousands of years!
We have many different programs and offer discounts when combining the programs.
What does the rapid detox look like?
Rapid detox simply means that everything you would normally experience when quitting smoking happens either quickly or not at all.
For example, you may cough up “gunk”, or not at all. You may stop coughing quickly, or not at all. You may have night sweats, or not at all. You will experience the following:
- 7 years later, your lungs could be completely pink again.
- Immediate relaxation
- A sense of peacefulness
- Reduced anxiety
- Improved circulation
- Cravings, anxiety, and sleeplessness diminish immediately
- Coughing and shortness of breath stops in less than 24 hours
- Heaviness in chest disappears during treatment
- Blood pressure stabilizes
- Heart rate drops to normal
- Smell and taste come back in 24 hours or less
- Increased energy in 72 hours or less
- Feeling of pride and success!
- 3 months after stopping smoking, you may feel “invincible.”
Will I feel drugged after the treatment? Can I drive myself home?
No, you will NOT feel drugged. There are no medicines or drugs involved. Yes, you can drive yourself home.
Does the treatment interfere with any medications/health conditions/pregnancy?
Not at all – the treatment is safe for all people, even those with heart problems, pacemakers, people on heavy medications, and children! Particularly if you are pregnant, it’s recommended that you quit smoking immediately; smoking during pregnancy is not safe and can harm your child.
How does this program compare to others?
Our STOP Clinic program provides a comprehensive approach using behavior modification techniques, laser, electrical acupuncture, hypnosis, neurolinguistic programing and tools for long term success. We approach both the physical and mental parts of the addiction.
Other popular programs over the years include nicotine replacement therapies (nicotine patches, lozenges, gum, vapes, e-cigs, etc.), medications such as Chantix and Zyban (aka Welbutrin), “The Shot” behind the ear (uses a drug called scopolamine), staples, hypnosis, or acupuncture. Many of these programs can become long and drawn out. People who use nicotine usually want immediate results. Our rapid detoxification program provides immediate results!
Read on to learn more about other treatments available for quitting smoking, and how they compare to the STOP clinic.
Ear Acupuncture
This treatment, using needles instead of electrical stimulation, is also known as Auricular Therapy. Acupuncture is considered to be an invasive treatment, due to needles breaking the skin.
Because of the mild bleeding, care needs to be taken to prevent infections and/or the transference of blood; i.e., concerns with hepatitis, HIV, etc. Effectiveness of this treatment increases when counseling is included.
The “SHOT”
Popular in the Raleigh/Durham area during 2007 era, but not so popular now. The “shot” injects a combination of drugs into the 10th cranial nerve in the ear to block the cravings. It is actually quite dangerous!
Not only is the drug combination dangerous, “The “SHOT” only targets the physical addiction. It does not target the psychological addiction, which many smokers find harder to conquer. This shot will NOT result in immediate smoking cessation. For several months after the injection, the patient is required to take an ongoing medication.
Atarax, one of the drugs, may cause headache, fatigue, depression, insomnia, sedation, nervousness, involuntary motor activity such as tremor and convulsions. Atarax is known to interact with more than a dozen different medications such as narcotics, antidepressants, antihypertensives and benzodiazepines.
Scopolamine (also known as the world’s scariest drug), another drug in this shot, is not safe for human consumption. It can cause side effects such as disorientation, chemical hypnosis, tachycardia and sometimes death.
For those who are not faint of heart, you may watch this video before considering consuming Scopolamine.
In Columbia, Scopolamine grows wild as a beautiful tree with large white blooms. The seed pods are picked and used as a powdery drug to rape, rob and sometimes kill. The victim has no memory of the event and sometimes has problems with memory years into the future.
Atropine can cause dozens of side effects such as ocular tension, loss of taste, headache, nervousness, restlessness, drowsiness, weakness, dizziness, flushing, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, bloating, fever, mild to moderate pain at the injection site, loss of libido, and erectile dysfunction
Do you blindly trust injections? You may want to reconsider.
“The “SHOT” is a very dangerous and invasive treatment. Some reported side effects include:
- Extreme drowsiness
- Excessive vomiting, lasting up to 3 days
- Allergic reactions requiring hospitalization
- Temporary memory loss or disorientation
Most providers of “The SHOT” require another 2 weeks of medications after the initial “shot”. Because of the dangers associated with this treatment, it is usually administered in a hospital setting or near an emergency room.
Those with heart related problems, pregnant, or on medications are usually denied this treatment. “The “SHOT” can be a very dangerous procedure (and was approved by the FDA).
Chantix is perhaps the most popular drug offered by the great Pharma (and approved by the FDA). Yet, it can be a dangerous, long and drawn out process. The patient has to take this drug for 2 or 3 months.
Chantix is not recommended for children under the age of 18, or not recommended if you are “allergic to anything in it”, according to the information pamphlets enclosed in the prescription package.
You should also avoid Chantix if you are on insulin, asthma medications, blood thinners, have kidney problems, are pregnant, or hope to be pregnant, or are breast feeding. Possible side effects are nausea, constipation, gas, vomiting and suicidal tendencies. (Package Label Posted: 9/23/2008)
The Food and Drug Administration today said smoking cessation drugs varenicline (Chantix) and bupropion (Zyban and generics) must now carry a “black box” warning that they can increase the risk of psychological side effects. These include unusual changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts, and attempted suicide. (Consumer Reports News: July 01, 2009 07:21 PM)
(Many clients of THE STOP Clinic have reported using Chantix and had to stop after experiencing nightmares, severe headaches, insomnia, negative changes in attitudes, hostility and unusual behaviors.) March, 2015
NicVAX is a nicotine conjugate vaccine, which is intended to reduce or eliminate physical nicotine addiction. The vaccine contains nicotine-specific anti-nicotine bodies, which can assist this process. It can also be used as a preventative measure to protect the body against addiction. The drug consists of hapten 3′-aminomethylnicotine mixed with recombinant Pseudomonas aeruginosa exoprotein A.
The vaccine is administered through six injections over a period of six months. It works by stimulating the immune system of the body to produce specific anti-bodies. The antibodies contained in the vaccine attach themselves to nicotine molecules to make the molecules in the bloodstream too big to cross the blood-brain barrier.
NicVax is still in clinical trials. At the conclusion of the study, it was concluded that NicVAX was “safe and well tolerated”, with side effects including headaches, colds, and upper respiratory tract infections.
(The STOP Clinic’s method of treating nicotine addiction is much safer. We teach prevention which includes healthy and natural methods to boost one’s immune system.)
The STOP Clinic teaches self hypnosis techniques (as needed) for those struggling with negative thoughts which can sabotage one’s success.
Hypnosis is relaxing and most effective for treating stress, trauma and phobias. For weight-loss, hypnosis could only work if the client is willing to make major diet and life style changes. Hypnosis alone would not lead to weight-loss.
Laser Treatment
Laser treatments are similar to acupuncture, but not as strong as the electrical nerve stimulation treatments provided at The STOP Clinic.
Clients who tried the laser treatments in the past, report The STOP Clinic’s treatment to be significantly more effective and stronger than the laser treatment.
We have found the laser to be more effective for the stimulation of collagen, to reduce wrinkles, rather than treating addictions.
The “Staple”
An invasive treatment of placing a staple in the ear, offering a placebo affect. This ancient procedure has been around as long as acupuncture itself, a.k.a. “pierced ears”. The Staple is not a good method for either addictions or weight-loss.
Nicotine Patch
Nicotine replacement therapy often delivers more nicotine into the bloodstream than you would receive if you were smoking. If you smoke less than a pack a day, the patch may deliver too much nicotine into the bloodstream and cause an allergic reaction and sickness. The patch can help eliminate the habit of the hand to mouth motion for the more habitual smokers. Use of the patch can cause severe night sweats and nightmares. Success rate is less than 20 percent.
Nicorette Gum
Nicotine replacement therapy sometimes causes a person to trade one addiction for another. This gum is highly addictive.
We have treated people who have been addicted to the gum for more than 12 years!
Nicotine Lozenges
This nicotine replacement therapy is not as addictive as the Nicorette gum. Using this just provides another form of nicotine delivery.
Zyban (a.k.a. Welbutrin)
If you are not used to taking an antidepressant, this prescribed medication may cause headaches, dizziness, a drugged feeling or disorientation. For some, side affects include depression and suicidal tendencies. Zyban was popular before 2007, but was replaced, in popularity, by the drug, Chantix (see above).
“Cold Turkey”
Admirable approach to stop smoking, but not necessary. Some people are more addicted to nicotine than others.
If you were to quit “cold turkey”, it would usually take 2 to 3 weeks. Most people fail after a few days of fighting the uncomfortable cravings and withdrawals often associated with nicotine cessation.
Some people, simply, have a long term habit and are not necessarily addicted to the nicotine. These people wake up one day and declare to never smoke again! (Just like alcohol; not everyone who drinks is addicted to alcohol.)
This, however, is not the normal reaction to stopping a nicotine addiction. Most people seek help to deal with the nicotine cravings and withdrawals.
Symptoms you may expect going cold turkey (without using our treatment) are:
- Severe cravings to smoke
- Severe pain from withdrawal
- Fatigue
- Sleep problems
- Night sweats
- Headaches
- Dry mouth
- Coughing up “crud”
- Extreme irritability
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Constipation
Why do people gain weight when they stop smoking? Will I gain/lose weight?
Yes or No! …Your choice!
Weight gain totally depends on your mindset and/or food choices. When a person stops using drugs and stimulants, the body becomes so relaxed, the metabolism slows down. At this point, if the person has poor eating patterns or habits, this is the formula for rapid weight gain to the “tune” of 20, 30, to 50+ pounds!
You can lose weight if you fill that empty nicotine void with nutritious foods. If you fill the void with processed or sugary foods, you will gain weight… lots of weight!
During our smoking cessation program, we teach methods and combine tools to prevent weight gain. In fact, often clients lose 1 to 3 pounds during their first week of smoking cessation (if they are already overweight).
Since 1992, our program has specialized in helping people stop smoking and lose weight at the same time. When you call, we will ask you some questions and decide how fast we think we can help you drop those unwanted pounds. If we feel we can help you, we will commit to you and we can get started right away.
The most weight-loss we have witnessed with our program is 28 pounds in one month and 51 pounds in 7 weeks. This is based on our treatment protocol for rapid drug detox.
Our theory is: If you detox the body rapidly and start feeling better right away, you are immediately rewarded with more energy and are more likely to adopt this pattern of eating as a lifestyle change.
What if I don’t want to lose weight when I quit smoking?
Don’t worry – you don’t have to! The primary purpose of the STOP Clinic program is to help you quit smoking, and return your body to a position of homeostasis.
People who carry extra weight, and adhere to our detox tools and suggestions, find they lose weight as a side effect of our program. Those who are already at a healthy weight will likely stay the same, and those who are underweight often find their appetite returning when they are nicotine free.
Is it true that e-cigs and vaping are safer than traditional cigarettes?
Cigarette smokers are known to be at higher risk for developing cancers; the biggest risk being lung cancer. Tobacco users are 15 to 30 times more likely to be diagnosed with or die as a result of lung cancer than nonsmokers. Tobacco use is responsible for as many as 90 percent of all lung cancer cases [source: CDC].
Despite the marketing claims that e-cigarettes are safer than smoking tobacco, researchers are finding e-cig users experience diminished lung function, airway resistance and cellular changes; regardless, of whether or not they ever smoked cigarettes. Cells exposed to e-cigarette vapor show unhealthy changes similar to cells exposed to tobacco smoke [source: Park et al].
Users who vape nicotine-free e-cigs cannot escape the effects, either. They also experience airway resistance and other signs of inflammation as side effects of e-cigarette use and vaping.
Liquid nicotine is extracted from tobacco, but unlike tobacco leaves, liquid nicotine can be lethal. It can cause harm when it’s inhaled, but it can also be harmful when ingested or absorbed through your skin. Only a small dose is dangerous — less than one tablespoon of many of the e-liquids on the market is enough to kill an adult, and as little as a teaspoon could kill a child. [source: Richtel].
The number of calls to poison control centers regarding e-cigarette nicotine-infused liquids rose sharply every month between September 2010 and February 2014, from just one call per month to as many as 215. That is a rise from 0.3 percent to 41.7 percent of all emergency calls. As many as 51.1 percent of those calls involved accidental poisoning of kids under the age of 5 (roughly 42 percent involved adults age 20 or older) [source: CDC].
Despite being on the market for several years, many regulatory agencies and health experts aren’t sure just how safe e-cigarettes actually are. Among their concerns is the lack of disclosure of all the ingredients used as well as the validity of health and safety claims by manufacturers about their products.
In 2009, for example, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found some cartridges of liquid nicotine contained about 1 percent diethylene glycol (DEG), a toxic chemical ingredient also found in antifreeze [source: FDA].
To make matters worse, the amount of nicotine listed on a cartridge label may not match the actual amount in the cartridge. FDA testing has found cartridges under the same manufacturing label may release significantly different levels of nicotine, ranging from 26.8 to 43.2 micrograms nicotine per 100 millilitre puff. Lab tests indicate the nicotine-free cartridges are giving you a low dose of nicotine, despite the claims [source: FDA].
Manufacturers, however, say the e-cigarette is simply recreational, and should not be subject to FDA regulation.
It’s not only smokers who are impacted by the effects of cigarettes; as many as 2.5 million nonsmokers have died from the lethal effects of secondhand smoke between 1964 and 2014 [source: CDC].
What health improvements can I expect to see?
The following are improvements in general when one stops smoking. With our treatment program, many of the following benefits happen much faster.
- Fifteen years after you stop, your risk of heart disease is the same as someone who does not smoke.
- Your blood pressure and heart rate drop to normal 20 minutes after your last cigarette.
- Two hours after you stop smoking, circulation to your fingers and toes improves. (Note: Nicotine withdrawal symptoms usually start about two hours after your last cigarette. Symptoms include cravings, anxiety, trouble sleeping and increased appetite. These usually ease after two weeks.)
- Eight to 12 hours after your last puff, the level of carbon monoxide in your bloodstream drops to normal and the oxygen level rises to normal.
- Your chances of a heart attack decrease after just 24 hours. The heart attack rate for smokers is 70 percent higher than for non-smokers.
- You start to smell and taste things more vividly again after 48 hours without a cigarette.
- Two to three weeks after you quit, you’ll be able to exercise without feeling winded.
- At the three-month mark, your circulation improves and your lung function increases up to 30 percent.
- You have increased energy.
- Coughing and shortness of breath are greatly reduced.
- You are less likely to contract lung infections. This happens by the nine-month mark.
- A year after you quit smoking, your risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker’s.
- Five years after you stop this bad habit, your risk of esophageal, lung, mouth and throat cancers drops dramatically. Your risk of having a stroke is the same as your other non-smoking pals.
- Ten years after stopping, your chance of lung cancer death decreases to about half that of a smoker’s. This is great news; smoking accounts for 90 percent of lung cancer deaths worldwide.