parent page: multiple sclerosis

Kaye Duncan of Roxboro, North Carolina was a former smoker who suffered with pain from chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy.

April 9, 2012: I came to see Leslie Lyon at The STOP Clinic to stop smoking and never picked up another cigarette, after my 40 year habit ! April 5, 2013: I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. May 7, 2013: I had lymph node surgery. May 7, 2013: MD prescribed a Chemotherapy medication, required for the next 5 years, as a […]

Kaye Duncan of Roxboro, North Carolina was a former smoker who suffered with pain from chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy. Read More »

Artificial Sweetener Poisoning

Many illnesses are misdiagnosed and are actually caused from “artificial sweetener poisoning” (chemical poisoning).  Artificial sweeteners are highly addictive and extremely poisonous!   In our clinic, we witness many illnesses disappear when the diet becomes pure. Over the past 30+ years, we have witnessed the following “diagnosed”  illnesses disappear: Attention Deficit Disorder  ADD/ADHD Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Artificial Sweetener Poisoning Read More »