Chronic Pain

Kaye Duncan of Roxboro, North Carolina was a former smoker who suffered with pain from chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy.

April 9, 2012: I came to see Leslie Lyon at The STOP Clinic to stop smoking and never picked up another cigarette, after my 40 year habit ! April 5, 2013: I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. May 7, 2013: I had lymph node surgery. May 7, 2013: MD prescribed a Chemotherapy medication, required for the next 5 years, as a

Kaye Duncan of Roxboro, North Carolina was a former smoker who suffered with pain from chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy. Read More »

Patricia Tatem changed her diet to get rid of “Restless Leg Syndrome.”

For more than a year, I had legs that ached at night that never hurt during the day. Some people refer to this as “Restless Leg Syndrome.” Most nights, I was awakened by the severe pain in my legs. I could go to sleep, but not for very long. This went on for more than a year. I

Patricia Tatem changed her diet to get rid of “Restless Leg Syndrome.” Read More »

Glen Gullie of Raleigh, North Carolina was a former smoker with multiple health problems for 45 years.

Prior to meeting Leslie Lyon at The STOP Clinic, I was having a horrible problem with circulation and breathing. One of the first things she said to me was, “You have a little whistle when you exhale.” [smiles] When I tried to walk a block, it would kill my legs. Now, I am walking 2 miles every day! I hated water and

Glen Gullie of Raleigh, North Carolina was a former smoker with multiple health problems for 45 years. Read More »

Sylvia Bird was addicted to Cigarettes for over 40 years and suffered from severe, debilitating back pain.

I came to The STOP Clinic to stop smoking and got more than I paid for! I was waiting to share this information with you… just in case… I was probably just a little bit of a Doubting Thomas [smiling]. I had back problems for a lot years. My back would get really sore and start trying

Sylvia Bird was addicted to Cigarettes for over 40 years and suffered from severe, debilitating back pain. Read More »

Nancy Neighbors was a “die hard” smoker for 48 years with chronic pain.

After smoking for 48 years, I found The STOP Clinic. I was having sharp shoulder pain and sciatic pain in my back and leg. For the previous 2 years, I had chiropractic help on a weekly basis. I hurt so bad, I could not lay on my back. Since I was a “die hard” and addicted smoker”, I chose the

Nancy Neighbors was a “die hard” smoker for 48 years with chronic pain. Read More »