Many people think that diabetes and hypoglycemia are incurable, or treated only by medication!
We have seen tremendous success with diabetic clients simply by helping them regulate their diets, change eating patterns and food choices to avoid inflammatory foods,and treat their underlying sugar and food addictions!
I got my control back along with energy and a sense of pride. My hot flashes subsided. The reflux left. My thyroid is shrinking. And although I was not overweight when I started the program 5 weeks ago, I have already lost 6.5 pounds! After 5 weeks, my doctor reduced my Metformin from 4000 units to 2000 per day.
— Diane Boyd
After working with Leslie, my energy improved in 2-3 days… My hypoglycemia totally stabilized. After 5 weeks, I went from lethargic with almost zero energy to playing golf and tennis again and doing water aerobics! I am thrilled!
— Diane Barry
Read on to learn more about how the STOP Clinic treats diabetes, and read success stories from our happy clients!
Diane Barry suffered from Hypoglycemia, was diagnosed as a pre-diabetic and was often bed ridden.
Six months ago, I was pre-diabetic. For the past 30 years, I felt I was slowly “decaying” and seeking help from doctors to figure out what was wrong with me. Ten years ago, I found an MD who diagnosed my problem…
Nancy Avrett improved her diabetic condition with amazing results by changing her foods.
In 1994, I was diagnosed with diabetes and have been on the insulin pump since 2008. My energy was low, I was often irritable and sometimes clammy and shaky. I used to give myself extra insulin before meals to prevent my blood sugar from “spiking.”…
Diane Boyd lowered her A1C in less than 10 days!
In 2019, before the Corona Virus hit, my A1C was 6.0. I had lost weight the previous year and I was pleased with my accomplishments. Four weeks into the Corona pandemic, my sugar addiction went out of control. I was consuming…
Artificial Sweetener Poisoning
Many illnesses are misdiagnosed and are actually caused from “artificial sweetener poisoning” (chemical poisoning). Artificial sweeteners are highly addictive and extremely poisonous! In our clinic, we witness many illnesses disappear when the diet becomes pure. Over the past 30+ years, we have…
Metabolism, Weight Loss, & Healthy Eating
What effect does quitting smoking have on the metabolism? When a person stops using drugs and stimulants, the body becomes so relaxed, the metabolism slows down. At this point, if the person has poor eating patterns or habits, this is…