How does the STOP Clinic Program compare to others?

Our program provides a comprehensive approach using behavior modification techniques, laser, electrical acupuncture, hypnosis, neurolinguistic programing and other tools for long term success. As such, our programs are highly flexible and tailored to each individual, and have been effective in treating not just those who wish to quite smoking or lose weight, but also a wide variety of other chronic illnesses and conditions – see our Other Services page for more info!

When it comes to treating addiction and helping you stop smoking, we approach both the physical and mental parts of addiction.

Other popular smoking cessation programs over the years include nicotine replacement therapies (nicotine patches, lozenges, gum, vapes, e-cigs, etc.), medications such as Chantix and Zyban (aka Welbutrin), “The Shot” behind the ear (uses a drug called scopolamine), staples, hypnosis, or acupuncture. Many of these programs can become long and drawn out. People who use nicotine usually want immediate results. Our rapid detoxification program provides immediate results!

Read more about how the STOP Clinic can help YOU stop smoking!

How much do your services cost?

At the STOP Clinic, we treat each client with a personalized treatment plan and a variety of different techniques suited to their unique needs. As a result, prices can vary. If you’d like to find out more, contact us for a free consultation! 

Does the treatment interfere with any medications/health conditions/pregnancy?

Not at all – the treatment is safe for all people, even those with heart problems, pacemakers, people on heavy medications, and children!

Particularly if you are seeking help to stop smoking and are currently pregnant, it’s recommended that you quit immediately; smoking during pregnancy is not safe and can harm your child.

Does the treatment hurt?

No. The treatment is very relaxing! We use a micro amount of electrical stimulation to the outer part of the ear (also known as the concha of the ear).

During the treatment, you may feel a mild warming sensation, sometimes all over the body. If you are stressed, you may feel your tight muscles relaxing.

People often comment, “I feel so relaxed as though I have just had a great massage”!

People with emphysema often “carry a weight” on their chest. During the treatment, people report, “I feel like a cement block is lifting off my chest!”

If you are quitting smoking, your body will feel as relaxed as it felt before you became a smoker.

The treatment is so relaxing, some people fall asleep and some snore!

Will I feel drugged after the treatment? Can I drive myself home?

No, you will NOT feel drugged. There are no medicines or drugs involved. Yes, you can drive yourself home.

Do you offer cold laser therapy?

No, we do not – we use an electrical stimulation treatment. The treatment is very similar to cold laser therapy, but clients who have used both tell me that the electrical stimulation is stronger and more effective! Both use the powerful ancient Chinese protocol for rapid drug detox.

Does insurance cover the program?

Usually, NO.

Insurance does not usually cover our program because this is considered to be an “alternative treatment program“, i.e., treatment to heal the body without the use of drugs and surgery. Our treatment protocol is a very ancient technique, used by Europe and Asia for thousands of years!

We have many different programs and offer discounts when combining the programs.

After leaving Leslie’s office on day one, NOTHING made me want to light a cigarette. My only regret is that I didn’t quit sooner. Leslie and the procedure she is doing has changed my life forever. I cannot believe how much better I feel!

Jennifer Oakley

I am still smoke free & cancer free after two bouts of breast cancer in the past few years. I was diagnosed with breast cancer (the first time in 2015) when I entered your program. I am so very grateful for you and your program in helping me attain my goal of non-smoking… If it can work for me while going through the stress of chemotherapy & radiation, it can work for anyone.

Linda Canipe

Prior to meeting Leslie Lyon at The STOP Clinic, I was having a horrible problem with circulation and breathing. Now, I am walking 2 miles every day! After the first treatment, I had not one craving. I feel like “I have a new lease on life”.

Glen Gullie


After leaving Leslie’s office on day one, NOTHING made me want to light a cigarette. My only regret is that I didn’t quit sooner. Leslie and the procedure she is doing has changed my life forever. I cannot believe how much better I feel!

Jennifer Oakley

I am still smoke free & cancer free after two bouts of breast cancer in the past few years. I was diagnosed with breast cancer (the first time in 2015) when I entered your program. I am so very grateful for you and your program in helping me attain my goal of non-smoking… If it can work for me while going through the stress of chemotherapy & radiation, it can work for anyone.

Linda Canipe

Prior to meeting Leslie Lyon at The STOP Clinic, I was having a horrible problem with circulation and breathing. Now, I am walking 2 miles every day! After the first treatment, I had not one craving. I feel like “I have a new lease on life”.

Glen Gullie

Suffering with anxiety & depression after several traumatic events, Amanda Verlinger’s parents referred her to the clinic.

I was in tears by the time I returned home because I had not felt such a feeling of well-being in so long. All of the current problems I had been stressing over became things I felt like I could handle without having a panic attack. .. I cannot thank Leslie Lyon enough for this new, positive sense of self.”

Amanda Verlinger

My name is Leslie Lyon, and I am the owner and creator of the STOP Clinic. For the past 30+ years, I have helped people stop smoking, lose weight, and change their lives.

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My name is Leslie Lyon, and I am the owner and creator of the STOP Clinic. For the past 30+ years, I have helped people stop smoking, lose weight, and change their lives.

Menopause and Perimenopause

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