Stop Smoking

Tony Avrette of Fayetteville, NC stopped smoking after 30+ years.

I’m from Fayetteville, NC and like others have smoked for 30 plus years. I also am obese with high blood pressure. I have tried to quit smoking by going “cold turkey”, using the patch, using gum. All were useless… My brother, David, told me about The STOP Clinic and what it had done for him. […]

Tony Avrette of Fayetteville, NC stopped smoking after 30+ years. Read More »

Nancy Neighbors was a “die hard” smoker for 48 years with chronic pain.

After smoking for 48 years, I found The STOP Clinic. I was having sharp shoulder pain and sciatic pain in my back and leg. For the previous 2 years, I had chiropractic help on a weekly basis. I hurt so bad, I could not lay on my back. Since I was a “die hard” and addicted smoker”, I chose the

Nancy Neighbors was a “die hard” smoker for 48 years with chronic pain. Read More »