
Gary and Sandy Cooper of Kenly, NC stopped smoking 15 years ago and had digestive issues, respectively.

Fifteen years ago (1999), I came to The STOP Clinic to stop smoking after trying everything there was possible for ten years! This program provided everything I needed to help me stop smoking … counseling, behavior modification, aides and the electrical acupuncture treatment that took away the cravings. After the treatment (having smoked for 20+ years), I […]

Gary and Sandy Cooper of Kenly, NC stopped smoking 15 years ago and had digestive issues, respectively. Read More »

Joe Hannon, of Goldston, NC had Raynaud’s Disease and smoked for 45+ years.

One day while playing poker on a computer website, a lady mentioned that she stopped smoking with a laser treatment. The next day I began searching and The STOP Clinic came up on the first page of my search. I called Leslie Lyon and made an appointment. I asked my pulmonary specialist what he thought about

Joe Hannon, of Goldston, NC had Raynaud’s Disease and smoked for 45+ years. Read More »

Harold Yon of Raleigh, NC, addicted to Kool Filter Kings.

It was almost seven years ago that I had my last “KOOL FILTER KING” after seeing Leslie Lyon at The STOP Clinic. I went from over two packs a day to zero after my first visit. I had sudden, instantaneous thoughts about lighting up for a while, but the thoughts became weaker and further apart until they were completely gone and I had

Harold Yon of Raleigh, NC, addicted to Kool Filter Kings. Read More »

Cae Emerson of Wilmington, NC stopped smoking almost 30 years ago!

Dear Leslie, Hardly a day has passed in the last 26 years that I haven’t thought of you, and thanked God for bringing you into my life. If you can remember, I was a 3-pack a day smoker for almost 30 years before I met you. Your program was the easiest thing I’ve ever done. I had no desire

Cae Emerson of Wilmington, NC stopped smoking almost 30 years ago! Read More »

Bruce Grant of Kernersville, NC suffered from Polycythemia vera, nicotine addiction and endured Therapeutic Phlebotomy Treatments.

I am a 44 year-old male and had smoked a pack of cigarettes a day since I was 19 years old. Like most people, I took my health for granted. I tried every method to stop smoking, failing miserably, only to pick the cigarettes right back up. I knew I had to do something. My wife,

Bruce Grant of Kernersville, NC suffered from Polycythemia vera, nicotine addiction and endured Therapeutic Phlebotomy Treatments. Read More »

Diana Galore from Cancun, Mexico tried to stop smoking several times, without success prior to her visits at The STOP Clinic.

Hola! Soy Diana Galore, Mexicana. Fumadora (ahora ex fumadora) de hace 15 años. Hace tiempo ya la idea de dejar de fumar rondaba ya por mi cabeza, cada vez con mas frecuencia. ¿Razones? Varias, entre ellas el sentir el rechazo de muchas personas, mi salud, etc. Me parece increíble el hecho de leer en las

Diana Galore from Cancun, Mexico tried to stop smoking several times, without success prior to her visits at The STOP Clinic. Read More »

Joseph Gooden and wife, Tiffany stopped smoking and are running marathons!

My wife and I went to the smoking clinic almost a month ago (2012) and WOW never knew how life would be so good. I left there as a changed man … never wanted a cigarette again. Now, the smell of one is awful. Several years ago, I lost a lot of weight and used running

Joseph Gooden and wife, Tiffany stopped smoking and are running marathons! Read More »