
Michele Gurkin changed her diet and her energy skyrocketed!

Just completed five weeks with Leslie at The Stop Clinic. I am more than pleased. I was living overweight and malnourished, resulting in a sluggish lifestyle. After seeing Leslie, following her plan and receiving her treatments my energy skyrocketed! I have always been told to eat less in order to lose weight. I think this […]

Michele Gurkin changed her diet and her energy skyrocketed! Read More »

Mary Lou Gooden stopped smoking, reduced diabetic symptoms and had bronchitis only once in 17 years! 

Hi Leslie! Several of my relatives went to The STOP Clinic to stop smoking, so 17 years ago, 2002, I went to this clinic and I have not smoked since. Next week, my son and his wife are going and I am excited for them! After stopping smoking, my diabetic symptoms are less severe. My blood sugar dropped from 9 to

Mary Lou Gooden stopped smoking, reduced diabetic symptoms and had bronchitis only once in 17 years!  Read More »

Nancy Avrett improved her diabetic condition with amazing results by changing her foods.

In 1994, I was diagnosed with diabetes and have been on the insulin pump since 2008. My energy was low, I was often irritable and sometimes clammy and shaky. I used to give myself extra insulin before meals to prevent my blood sugar from “spiking.” At The STOP Clinic, Leslie taught me how to regulate my diet, foods to eat and foods to avoid.

Nancy Avrett improved her diabetic condition with amazing results by changing her foods. Read More »

Brian and Judie Maderos of The Villages in Florida was addicted to smoking for 45 years.

My wife, Judie, was addicted too, but not as badly as I. She encouraged me, as did my cousin Jo, to partake in The STOP Clinic’s Smoking Treatment Sessions. So Judie and I went to Cary, NC. I went, but I really did not want to submit even to the possibility of quitting smoking. I reluctantly pacified my wife and met

Brian and Judie Maderos of The Villages in Florida was addicted to smoking for 45 years. Read More »

New Use Discovered for Baking Soda: Saving Lives

Baking Soda: It Cleans. It Deodorizes.  It Exfoliates.  It even causes chemical reactions in homemade volcanoes in Science Fairs around the world.  But did you know that a study published by the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology found that it could even reduce your chances of an early death? This Health, Aging and

New Use Discovered for Baking Soda: Saving Lives Read More »

Diane Barry suffered from Hypoglycemia, was diagnosed as a pre-diabetic and was often bed ridden.

Six months ago, I was pre-diabetic. For the past 30 years, I felt I was slowly “decaying” and seeking help from doctors to figure out what was wrong with me. Ten years ago, I found an MD who diagnosed my problem and prescribed the right medications which allowed me to function and live a relatively “normal

Diane Barry suffered from Hypoglycemia, was diagnosed as a pre-diabetic and was often bed ridden. Read More »

Bob Mullner  suffered most of his adult life as a smoker, from depression and anxiety.

I came to the S.T.O.P. Clinic to give up smoking. Little did I know that I was embarking on a journey that would change my life. For my entire adult life, I have struggled with agonizing depression and a severe anxiety disorder. Because of the depression, I constantly felt sluggish, lethargic, low energy, nervous, and I could hardly

Bob Mullner  suffered most of his adult life as a smoker, from depression and anxiety. Read More »

Kem Arthur of Kernersville, NC stopped smoking after trying for 12 years !

I visited Leslie in January of 2011 after hearing about her STOP Clinic from a male coworker, David Largen, who stopped smoking with her help. It seemed like such an easy transition for him. I knew of his smoking habits and could not believe he was having such an easy transition. I had been trying to

Kem Arthur of Kernersville, NC stopped smoking after trying for 12 years ! Read More »