
Kaye Duncan of Roxboro, North Carolina was a former smoker who suffered with pain from chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy.

April 9, 2012: I came to see Leslie Lyon at The STOP Clinic to stop smoking and never picked up another cigarette, after my 40 year habit ! April 5, 2013: I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. May 7, 2013: I had lymph node surgery. May 7, 2013: MD prescribed a Chemotherapy medication, required for the next 5 years, as a

Kaye Duncan of Roxboro, North Carolina was a former smoker who suffered with pain from chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy. Read More »

Patricia Tatem changed her diet to get rid of “Restless Leg Syndrome.”

For more than a year, I had legs that ached at night that never hurt during the day. Some people refer to this as “Restless Leg Syndrome.” Most nights, I was awakened by the severe pain in my legs. I could go to sleep, but not for very long. This went on for more than a year. I

Patricia Tatem changed her diet to get rid of “Restless Leg Syndrome.” Read More »

Doreen Hook of Creedmoor, NC was addicted to Cigarettes for 44 years.

I have smoked 44 years and never thought I could do it and have tried many times to stop. This program gave me the strength to stay focused and gave me coping skills and ideas of how to deal with the thoughts. I think this program is worth a million dollars if it can get me to stop. Leslie also helped me work

Doreen Hook of Creedmoor, NC was addicted to Cigarettes for 44 years. Read More »

Justin Verlinger of Fayetteville stopped smoking and refers many friends!

I have not had a cigarette in about 5 years now, my very last one was in the parking lot of The STOP Clinic. I was skeptical, unhappy about the cost of cigarettes, and anxious all at the same time. I had tried quitting many times, using every method out there… nothing really worked, and I failed. We found Leslie, gave a

Justin Verlinger of Fayetteville stopped smoking and refers many friends! Read More »

Melinda Brisson of Dublin, NC stopped smoking for her 8 year old son.

In 2005, my 8 year old son came to me sobbing “Mama, please stop smoking.  Don’t you want to be here to see your grandchildren?”  He had never said anything to me about smoking until this moment but his dad had died suddenly the previous year from a heart attack at the age of 38.  Although, I did not

Melinda Brisson of Dublin, NC stopped smoking for her 8 year old son. Read More »

Minc Williams-Bumgarner smoked Cigarettes for 38 years.

I smoked a pack of cigarettes for 38 years straight and tried everything to quit but when I would quit in the past, I would miss smoking so much that I’d ruin my chances to stop permanently. I saw Leslie in Raleigh and had the treatment and from that moment, I relaxed and became a non-smoker! I did

Minc Williams-Bumgarner smoked Cigarettes for 38 years. Read More »

Jack Huestess of Bladenboro, NC was addicted to Cigarettes, Mt. Dews and BC Powders!

For 40 years, I had a habit of drinking 5 or 6 Mt. Dews, 5 or 6 BC powders (because of back pain) and a pack of cigarettes every day! For the past year, I’ve had trouble breathing, no energy and a sense of my health spiraling downward. For 10 to 15 minutes after I smoked a cigarette, I

Jack Huestess of Bladenboro, NC was addicted to Cigarettes, Mt. Dews and BC Powders! Read More »

Sylvia Bird was addicted to Cigarettes for over 40 years and suffered from severe, debilitating back pain.

I came to The STOP Clinic to stop smoking and got more than I paid for! I was waiting to share this information with you… just in case… I was probably just a little bit of a Doubting Thomas [smiling]. I had back problems for a lot years. My back would get really sore and start trying

Sylvia Bird was addicted to Cigarettes for over 40 years and suffered from severe, debilitating back pain. Read More »

Rhonda Heard from Raeford, NC smoked for 20+ years.

I find it hard to know where to begin in this testimonial.  This program has given me so much to be thankful for. I smoked for 20+ years. Being a strong-willed single parent, smoking was a way to take a break from everything. My biggest motivation to stop smoking was actually the expense of smoking a pack

Rhonda Heard from Raeford, NC smoked for 20+ years. Read More »