Think it’s too good to be true?

Here’s what our clients have to say for themselves!

Gerry Bromstead stopped smoking 21 years ago!

Gerry Bromstead stopped smoking 21 years ago!

No more chewing Nicorette gum, inhaling cigars and three packs of Marlboros per day. I was truly hooked on tobacco products…

Linda Canipe is Smoke Free and Cancer Free

Linda Canipe is Smoke Free and Cancer Free

Hi Leslie! I am still smoke free & cancer free after two bouts of breast cancer in the past few…

Diane Boyd lost weight in Raleigh, NC

Diane Boyd lowered her A1C in less than 10 days!

In 2019, before the Corona Virus hit, my A1C was 6.0.  I had lost weight the previous year and I was…

Deanna of Fayetteville, North Carolina feared for her daughter’s life due to an addiction to OxyContin and other pain medications

Deanna of Fayetteville, North Carolina feared for her daughter’s life due to an addiction to OxyContin and other pain medications

My daughter went from being a successful college student, active in church choir and in her community, who was completely…

Kitty lost 51 pounds in 15 Weeks during the Covid-19 Quarantine

Kitty lost 51 pounds in 15 Weeks during the Covid-19 Quarantine

Kitty Lost 17 pounds in 3 weeks! She lost 51 pounds in 15 weeks! In July, 2021, Kitty’s husband came to…

Amanda Verlinger suffered from anxiety, depression, vertigo and chronic pain.

Amanda Verlinger suffered from anxiety, depression, vertigo and chronic pain.

My name is Amanda Verlinger and I’m 32 years old. I decided to go to The STOP Clinic after I…

Jean suffered from “Chemical drug Sensitivity” aka Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)

Jean suffered from “Chemical drug Sensitivity” aka Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)

Two years after our program began, a client, George, came to us to stop smoking. Being a truck driver, he was…

Michele Gurkin changed her diet and her energy skyrocketed!

Michele Gurkin changed her diet and her energy skyrocketed!

Just completed five weeks with Leslie at The Stop Clinic. I am more than pleased. I was living overweight and…

Mary Lou Gooden stopped smoking, reduced diabetic symptoms and had bronchitis only once in 17 years! 

Mary Lou Gooden stopped smoking, reduced diabetic symptoms and had bronchitis only once in 17 years! 

Hi Leslie! Several of my relatives went to The STOP Clinic to stop smoking, so 17 years ago, 2002, I went to…

Nancy Avrett improved her diabetic condition with amazing results by changing her foods.

Nancy Avrett improved her diabetic condition with amazing results by changing her foods.

In 1994, I was diagnosed with diabetes and have been on the insulin pump since 2008. My energy was low, I…

Chris McMichael of Elizabethtown, NC is grateful to be a non-smoker!

Chris McMichael of Elizabethtown, NC is grateful to be a non-smoker!

Hi Leslie, I have been meaning to send you a message for some time to thank you again for helping…

Brian and Judie Maderos of The Villages in Florida was addicted to smoking for 45 years.

Brian and Judie Maderos of The Villages in Florida was addicted to smoking for 45 years.

My wife, Judie, was addicted too, but not as badly as I. She encouraged me, as did my cousin Jo,…

Sarah Troxler changed her diet to get rid of Heart Palpations

Sarah Troxler changed her diet to get rid of Heart Palpations

Today is Thanksgiving Day 2017. Saturday morning in 2017, I was visiting with a group of friends talking about past…

Nick Verses came from Boerve, Texas to stop smoking.

Nick Verses came from Boerve, Texas to stop smoking.

Hi Leslie, Just a quick note to wish u all the best in 2012… it’s been 5 years since I…

Diane Barry suffered from Hypoglycemia, was diagnosed as a pre-diabetic and was often bed ridden.

Diane Barry suffered from Hypoglycemia, was diagnosed as a pre-diabetic and was often bed ridden.

Six months ago, I was pre-diabetic. For the past 30 years, I felt I was slowly “decaying” and seeking help from…

Bob Mullner suffered most of his adult life as a smoker, from depression and anxiety

Bob Mullner suffered most of his adult life as a smoker, from depression and anxiety

I came to the S.T.O.P. Clinic to give up smoking. Little did I know that I was embarking on a…

Kem Arthur of Kernersville, NC stopped smoking after trying for 12 years!

Kem Arthur of Kernersville, NC stopped smoking after trying for 12 years!

I visited Leslie in January of 2011 after hearing about her STOP Clinic from a male coworker, David Largen, who…

Betty Brown stopped smoking after having COPD for 9 years

Betty Brown stopped smoking after having COPD for 9 years

Betty Brown of Kinston, NC stopped smoking after having Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder for 9 years. Even though I love…

Patricia Tatem changed her diet to get rid of “Restless Leg Syndrome”

Patricia Tatem changed her diet to get rid of “Restless Leg Syndrome”

Restless Leg Syndrome disappears with the help of electricity, magnets, and a detox diet. For more than a year, I…

Kaye Duncan of Roxboro, North Carolina was a former smoker who suffered with pain from chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy

Kaye Duncan of Roxboro, North Carolina was a former smoker who suffered with pain from chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy

April 9, 2012: I came to see Leslie Lyon at The STOP Clinic to stop smoking and never picked up another…

Doreen Hook of Creedmoor, NC was addicted to Cigarettes for 44 years

Doreen Hook of Creedmoor, NC was addicted to Cigarettes for 44 years

I have smoked 44 years and never thought I could do it and have tried many times to stop. This program…

Justin Verlinger of Fayetteville stopped smoking and refers many friends!

Justin Verlinger of Fayetteville stopped smoking and refers many friends!

I have not had a cigarette in about 5 years now, my very last one was in the parking lot of…

Melinda Brisson of Dublin, NC stopped smoking for her 8 year old son

Melinda Brisson of Dublin, NC stopped smoking for her 8 year old son

In 2005, my 8 year old son came to me sobbing “Mama, please stop smoking.  Don’t you want to be…

Glen Gullie of Raleigh, North Carolina was a former smoker with multiple health problems for 45 years.

Glen Gullie of Raleigh, North Carolina was a former smoker with multiple health problems for 45 years.

Prior to meeting Leslie Lyon at The STOP Clinic, I was having a horrible problem with circulation and breathing. One of the first…

Jennifer Oakley, of Raleigh, NC began smoking as a teenager

Jennifer Oakley, of Raleigh, NC began smoking as a teenager

I started smoking when I was a junior in college. At the beginning I wouldn’t buy my own pack… I…

Minc Williams-Bumgarner smoked Cigarettes for 38 years.

Minc Williams-Bumgarner smoked Cigarettes for 38 years.

I smoked a pack of cigarettes for 38 years straight and tried everything to quit but when I would quit…

Jack Huestess of Bladenboro, NC was addicted to Cigarettes, Mt. Dews and BC Powders!

Jack Huestess of Bladenboro, NC was addicted to Cigarettes, Mt. Dews and BC Powders!

For 40 years, I had a habit of drinking 5 or 6 Mt. Dews, 5 or 6 BC powders (because…

Sylvia Bird was addicted to cigarettes for over 40 years and suffered from severe, debilitating back pain

Sylvia Bird was addicted to cigarettes for over 40 years and suffered from severe, debilitating back pain

I came to The STOP Clinic to stop smoking and got more than I paid for! I was waiting to share…

Rhonda Heard from Raeford, NC smoked for 20+ years

Rhonda Heard from Raeford, NC smoked for 20+ years

I find it hard to know where to begin in this testimonial.  This program has given me so much to…

Gary and Sandy Cooper of Kenly, NC stopped smoking 15 years ago and had digestive issues, respectively

Gary and Sandy Cooper of Kenly, NC stopped smoking 15 years ago and had digestive issues, respectively

Fifteen years ago (1999), I came to The STOP Clinic to stop smoking after trying everything there was possible for…

Joe Hannon, of Goldston, NC had Raynaud’s Disease and smoked for 45+ years.

Joe Hannon, of Goldston, NC had Raynaud’s Disease and smoked for 45+ years.

One day while playing poker on a computer website, a lady mentioned that she stopped smoking with a laser treatment. The…

Etienne Wolmarans of South Africa stopped smoking easily

Etienne Wolmarans of South Africa stopped smoking easily

I quit smoking a few times before and found it very difficult each time. Even though I thought this program…

Harold Yon of Raleigh, NC, addicted to Kool Filter Kings

Harold Yon of Raleigh, NC, addicted to Kool Filter Kings

It was almost seven years ago that I had my last “KOOL FILTER KING” after seeing Leslie Lyon at The STOP Clinic. I went…

Cae Emerson of Wilmington, NC stopped smoking almost 30 years ago!

Cae Emerson of Wilmington, NC stopped smoking almost 30 years ago!

Dear Leslie, Hardly a day has passed in the last 26 years that I haven’t thought of you, and thanked…

Billy Morency of Raleigh, NC is excited about his smoking cessation!

Billy Morency of Raleigh, NC is excited about his smoking cessation!

Leslie’s program helped me quit smoking in the late 1990’s… a daunting task, but was easy to do with Leslie’s…

Diana Galore from Cancun, Mexico tried to stop smoking several times, without success prior to her visits at The STOP Clinic

Diana Galore from Cancun, Mexico tried to stop smoking several times, without success prior to her visits at The STOP Clinic

Hola! Soy Diana Galore, Mexicana. Fumadora (ahora ex fumadora) de hace 15 años. Hace tiempo ya la idea de dejar…

Joseph Gooden and wife, Tiffany, stopped smoking and are running marathons!

Joseph Gooden and wife, Tiffany, stopped smoking and are running marathons!

My wife and I went to the smoking clinic almost a month ago (2012) and WOW never knew how life…

Jon Hannam of Rockville, MD, a Kidney Transplant Patient and Ex-Smoker of 55 years!

Jon Hannam of Rockville, MD, a Kidney Transplant Patient and Ex-Smoker of 55 years!

I found out that I had kidney failure on Feb 25, 2011. Was in the hospital for a week. As soon as…

David Largen of Kernersville, NC smoked 3 1/2 packs a day!

David Largen of Kernersville, NC smoked 3 1/2 packs a day!

I had been smoking since I was sixteen, usually a pack or two a day. When my mom got sick…

Tony Avrette of Fayetteville, NC stopped smoking after 30+ years

Tony Avrette of Fayetteville, NC stopped smoking after 30+ years

I’m from Fayetteville, NC and like others have smoked for 30 plus years. I also am obese with high blood…

Nancy Neighbors was a “die hard” smoker for 48 years with chronic pain

Nancy Neighbors was a “die hard” smoker for 48 years with chronic pain

After smoking for 48 years, I found The STOP Clinic. I was having sharp shoulder pain and sciatic pain in my back and…

Dee Nott from Hope Mills, NC stopped smoking after 20 years!

Dee Nott from Hope Mills, NC stopped smoking after 20 years!

My name is Dee Nott, own my own internet marketing business in Hope Mills, North Carolina. I was a closet smoker…

Lynn H. is happy in Raleigh, with her new numbers after going through our weight loss program

Lynn H. is happy in Raleigh, with her new numbers after going through our weight loss program

Leslie, I just got my blood work results back! I am surprised how quickly my numbers changed! Amazing results in less…

Steve Haas from Dickerson, Maryland stops smoking in January of 2010

Steve Haas from Dickerson, Maryland stops smoking in January of 2010

Hi Leslie, Just a quick note to let you know as of midnight tonight I will have been without a…

Tim Timberlake was addicted to cigarettes for 44 years

Tim Timberlake was addicted to cigarettes for 44 years

Hey Leslie, Just wanted folks to know that I started smoking cigarettes on a regular basis at the age of 11.…

Janet Bosselman chooses a “gradual weight-loss” strategy and drops 65 pounds!

Janet Bosselman chooses a “gradual weight-loss” strategy and drops 65 pounds!

As of today 11/11/07, I have lost 65 lbs. and am still in the process of losing more. I had lost…